AWS Codepipeline and repo change detection in Terraform

Myron Zaiets
Terraform/AWS tips
Published in
Nov 10, 2022

Here is some Terraform and AWS hint for today.)

Ok so let’s start with my hint number 1.

When we create a Codepipeline we will have to choose a change detection option for our repo:

When we use Cloudwatch events we have 2 options:

  1. Add a rule to Eventbridge.
  2. Don’t add a rule to Eventbridge.

It is pretty clear in a console, but how to do it via Terraform. In Terraform you should add PollForSourceChanges = “false” to your configuration of a Codepipeline. Example:

By using this way, you will switch off an automatic change detection, so you can add your custom one Eventbridge rule.

That’s all.

