Install EKS 1.27 via Terraform

Myron Zaiets
Terraform/AWS tips
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2023


Firstly, this tutorial will cost some money, so deploy at your own risk.

Let’s install our new EKS 1.27 cluster by using Terraform and check if this is working as expected. For that, I created 3 Terraform files:

The first one is

The other two are: and

I was using the latest versions of Terraform modules and the latest version of AWS provider. Terraform plan shows me it’s 58 resources to install. Let’s install them. In this scenario I am not installing the EBS CSI driver as I will do it later via console, just to show you how it can be done.

After some time, I have my cluster ready:

As you can see, the EBS driver is not installed yet. Let’s do it via console. I also installed recommended add-ons.

Let’s check our K9s console one more time:

This time I have all the needed drivers. So the installation succeeded without any errors.

Let’s do terraform destroy command now. After you destroyed your infra, please check the most expensive things:

  1. If EC2 instances are deleted?
  2. If NAT gateway is deleted?
  3. Is the KMS key in pending deletion status? By default, it will be 30 days, you can change it to 7 days.

That’s all. We're just quickly testing the new EKS 1.27 version.

Thank you for your time.

