Jasmin open source SMS Gateway Installation Steps

Rajesh Chopra
2 min readDec 20, 2021


Jasmin is an open-source SMS Gateway with many enterprise-class features, Jasmin is built to be easily customized to meet the specific needs of messaging exchange growing business.

Based on strong message routing algorithms, Jasmin provides flexibility to define rule based routing based on various criteria: sender ID, source, destination and many combinations. Auto reconnection and re-routing mechanism managing peak hours or link failover for high availability services.

Jasmin is written in Python and Twisted framework for serving highly scalable applications, SMS message delivery can be done through HTTP and SMPP protocols, intelligent routing can be configured in real-time through an API, cli interface or a web backend .

Installation Prerequisites & Dependencies:

  1. Make virtual machine ready with minimum configuration & preinstalled operating system: Either ubuntu or Linux. Below steps are tested fully in ubuntu OS & AWS virtual machine

2. Jasmin requires Python 3 with a functioning pip module

3. Install Python 3 using command

sudo apt -y upgrade

4. Check python version using command

python3 -V

5. Install PIP Module

sudo apt install python3-pip

6. Install package name: rabbitmq-server. RabbitMQ is used heavily by Jasmin as its core AMQP

sudo apt install rabbitmq-server

7. Install package name: redis-server. Redis is used mainly for mapping message ID’s when receiving delivery receipts

sudo apt install redis-server

8. Install header files and a static library for Python, Ubuntu package name: python-dev

sudo apt install python-dev

9. Install foreign Function Interface library (development files), Ubuntu package name: libffi-dev

sudo apt install libffi-dev

10. Install Secure Sockets Layer toolkit — development files, Ubuntu package name: libssl-dev

sudo apt install libssl-dev

11. Install Twisted Matrix, Python Event-driven networking engine, Ubuntu package name: python-twisted

sudo apt install python3-twisted

12. Install docker module

sudo apt install docker.io

Installation Steps :

1. Start rabbitmq-server & redis-server

sudo service rabbitmq-server start

sudo service rabbitmq-server status

sudo service redis-server start

sudo service redis-server status

2. Jasmin GW can be installed through DEB packages hosted on Packagecloud using below command:

curl -s https://setup.jasminsms.com/deb | sudo bash

sudo apt-get install jasmin-sms-gateway

3. Once Jasmin GW installed, simply enable & start the jasmind service

sudo systemctl enable jasmind

sudo systemctl start jasmind

sudo systemctl status jasmind

4. For Jasmin logs refer below path


