Exploring Open Source Alternatives to Terraform Enterprise / Cloud

Javier Canizalez
Published in
9 min readDec 12, 2023
Exploring Open Source Alternatives to Terraform Enterprise/Cloud

In the dynamic landscape of cloud infrastructure management, the role of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become pivotal in ensuring seamless, scalable, and automated provisioning. Terraform, with its Enterprise and Cloud offerings, has long been a stalwart in this domain, providing a robust platform for organizations to deploy and manage infrastructure with ease.

However, as the landscape evolves, so do the needs and preferences of users. Whether it’s a quest for cost-effective solutions, a desire for greater flexibility, or an inclination towards community-driven development, the search for alternatives to Terraform Enterprise and Terraform Cloud is a journey many organizations embark upon.

Why Consider Open Source Alternatives?

While Terraform Enterprise / Cloud offers a robust and feature-rich environment for managing infrastructure, there are compelling reasons to explore open-source alternatives. Here are some key considerations:

  1. Cost Efficiency: Open-source solutions often provide a cost-effective alternative, allowing organizations to allocate resources more efficiently. The absence of licensing fees and the freedom to scale without proprietary constraints make open-source options financially appealing.
  2. Flexibility and Customization: Open-source alternatives empower users with greater flexibility and customization options. The ability to modify and extend the codebase according to specific requirements ensures a tailored infrastructure management experience.
  3. Community-Driven Development: The power of community collaboration is a driving force behind many open-source projects. Leveraging the collective knowledge and contributions of a diverse community often leads to quicker issue resolution, continuous improvements, and a wealth of available modules.
  4. Avoiding Vendor Lock-in: Open-source alternatives mitigate the risk of vendor lock-in, providing the freedom to switch between tools without being bound to a specific vendor’s ecosystem. This flexibility is particularly crucial as organizations navigate multi-cloud environments.
  5. Innovation and Rapid Development: The open-source landscape is known for its rapid pace of innovation. Adopting open-source alternatives allows organizations to stay at the forefront of technological advancements, benefiting from the latest features and improvements.
  6. Transparency and Security: The transparent nature of open-source projects facilitates scrutiny by the user community. This transparency contributes to enhanced security, as vulnerabilities are often identified and addressed promptly through collaborative efforts.

As we explore open-source alternatives these considerations will serve as a foundation for understanding the value proposition they bring to the table. The next sections will delve into specific alternatives, shedding light on their unique features and contributions to the world of Infrastructure as Code.


Terrakube emerges as a formidable open-source alternative to Terraform Enterprise/Cloud, introducing a host of features that elevate the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) experience. Let’s explore the key functionalities that define Terrakube:

  • Private Registry: Terrakube empowers users to publish Terraform Modules and Providers privately, providing a secure environment for managing infrastructure components. This feature is essential for organizations seeking control over their module distribution.
Terrakube Private Registry
  • Organizations and Workspaces: Structured and efficient infrastructure management is facilitated through the use of Organizations and Workspaces. Tags further enhance organization by allowing users to group, filter, and organize workspaces based on assigned tags. This approach streamlines workflows in complex environments.
Terrakube Workspaces
  • Version Control Integration: Terrakube seamlessly integrates with popular version control platforms, including Github (Cloud and Enterprise), GitLab (EE and CE), Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps. This integration streamlines code retrieval, fostering collaborative development environments.
Terrakube VCS connections
  • Access Control: Leveraging DEX for authentication, Terrakube offers compatibility with various identity providers such as Azure Active Directory, Amazon Cognito, Github, and SAML. Users can assign granular permissions to Workspaces, Modules, Version Control Systems (VCS), and other resources, ensuring a secure and controlled access environment.
  • Terraform Workflow: Users can run the complete Terraform workflow from anywhere using UI/CLI or API, using Terrakube. Actions such as terraform apply, terraform plan, and terraform destroy are supported. Additionally, users can manage variables and access Terraform state files for comprehensive control over their infrastructure.
Terrakube Plan/Apply
  • Custom Workflows: Terrakube goes beyond standard workflows by supporting custom integrations. Users can seamlessly incorporate tools like OPA (Open Policy Agent), Infracost, or any other preferred tool. This flexibility enables automation of compliance checks, cost estimates, security scans, and more within the Terraform projects.
  • Remote Backend: Terrakube supports both remote backend and cloud block, allowing users to execute workflows directly from the Terraform CLI. This capability enhances flexibility and adaptability, accommodating various deployment scenarios.

Terrakube’s comprehensive feature set positions it as a versatile and powerful solution for organizations seeking a robust open-source alternative to Terraform Enterprise/Cloud. Its commitment to flexibility, security, and extensibility makes it a compelling choice for modern infrastructure management. In the subsequent sections, we’ll explore additional open-source alternatives, broadening our understanding of the evolving landscape in IaC.


Update: As of December 26, the OTF project has been archived by its maintainer. Please note this change if you’re considering OTF

OTF emerges it’s another compelling open-source alternative to Terraform Enterprise, seamlessly incorporating many of its core features while introducing innovations of its own. Here’s an in-depth look at the key functionalities that define OTF:

  • Terraform CLI Integration: OTF seamlessly integrates with the Terraform CLI and supports remote execution.
OTF Plan/Apply
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Users can sign in to OTF using Single Sign-On via identity providers supporting OIDC, OAuth, and other authentication mechanisms. This enhances security and user management by leveraging existing identity systems.
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): OTF provides RBAC capabilities, enabling fine-grained control over team access to workspaces. This feature ensures that different teams have appropriate permissions tailored to their responsibilities.
OTF Access Control
  • VCS Integration: Integrating with Github and GitLab, OTF allows users to trigger runs and publish modules directly from git commits.
OTF VCS Integration
  • Compatibility with Terraform Enterprise/Cloud API: OTF ensures compatibility with much of the Terraform Enterprise/Cloud API, providing a bridge for organizations transitioning or coexisting between the two solutions.
  • Minimal Dependencies and Stateless Architecture: With minimal dependencies, requiring only PostgreSQL, OTF simplifies deployment and reduces infrastructure overhead. Its stateless architecture enables horizontal scaling in various environments, including Kubernetes pods.
  • Module Registry: OTF offers a module registry, simplifying the sharing and distribution of Terraform modules. A provider registry is also in the pipeline, expanding the capabilities of this dynamic framework.
OTF Module Registry

In essence, OTF stands as a versatile and feature-rich alternative, showcasing a commitment to compatibility, security, and efficiency.


Gaia stands as a transformative Terraform UI designed for streamlined management of Terraform modules. It introduces a range of features to enhance the Terraform experience. Key features are:

  • Module Import from Source Code: Gaia simplifies the module import process by seamlessly integrating with source code repositories such as Github and Gitlab. This enables users to effortlessly bring in their Terraform modules.
Gaia Module Import
  • Variable Validation: Ensuring the integrity of Terraform variables, Gaia performs validation checks, including mandatory variables and regex-based validation.
  • Default Values and Variable Masking: Gaia offers the flexibility of setting default values for variables, streamlining the configuration process. Additionally, it provides the capability to mask variables, enhancing security and user experience.
  • One-Click Module Execution: Gaia simplifies the execution of Terraform modules with a one-click approach. Users can seamlessly perform actions such as plan, apply, and destroy, all within the Gaia UI.
Gaia Plan/Apply
  • Team Management: With built-in team management capabilities, Gaia facilitates collaboration by allowing users to work collectively on Terraform modules. This feature ensures that teams can efficiently organize and coordinate their infrastructure tasks.

In essence, Gaia transforms the Terraform experience by combining user-friendly UI elements with powerful features, creating a versatile platform for efficient module management and self-service infrastructure deployment.

Considerations When Choosing an Alternative

As organizations explore open-source alternatives to Terraform Enterprise/Cloud, several key considerations come into play to ensure the chosen solution aligns with their unique requirements and objectives. Here are critical factors to weigh when evaluating alternatives:

  1. Community Support: Assess the strength and activity of the open-source community surrounding the alternative. A vibrant community ensures ongoing development, quick issue resolution, and a wealth of shared knowledge.
  2. Documentation Quality: Comprehensive and well-maintained documentation is essential for a smooth onboarding process and ongoing usage. Evaluate the clarity and depth of documentation provided by the alternative to gauge its user-friendliness.
  3. Integration Capabilities: Consider the integration capabilities with existing tools and workflows. An ideal alternative should seamlessly integrate with version control systems, CI/CD pipelines, identity providers, and other components of your infrastructure stack.
  4. Scalability: Evaluate the scalability of the alternative to ensure it can accommodate the growth of your infrastructure. This includes considerations for handling increased workloads, larger teams, and more complex projects.
  5. Security Features: Security is paramount in infrastructure management. Examine the security features of the alternative, including authentication mechanisms, access controls, and encryption protocols. Ensure the solution aligns with your organization’s security standards.
  6. Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface and intuitive workflows contribute to a positive user experience. Consider the ease of use of the alternative, assessing whether it aligns with the skill sets of your team members and promotes efficient collaboration.
  7. Customization and Extensibility: Explore the customization and extensibility options provided by the alternative. The ability to tailor the solution to specific organizational needs and integrate with additional tools enhances its adaptability.
  8. Long-Term Viability: Consider the long-term viability and sustainability of the open-source alternative. Assess factors such as the frequency of updates, the responsiveness of maintainers to issues, and the overall roadmap of the project.
  9. Cost Implications: While open-source alternatives often reduce costs compared to proprietary solutions, it’s essential to evaluate any associated costs, such as infrastructure requirements, additional tooling, or specialized support services.
  10. User Feedback and Case Studies: Seek feedback from users who have implemented the alternative and explore case studies of successful deployments. Real-world experiences can provide valuable insights into the practical benefits and challenges of the chosen solution.

By carefully considering these factors, organizations can make informed decisions when selecting an open-source alternative to Terraform Enterprise/Cloud. Each consideration plays a crucial role in determining how well the alternative aligns with the organization’s goals and infrastructure management needs.


Our exploration of open-source alternatives to Terraform Enterprise/Cloud unveils diverse solutions catering to varied infrastructure needs.

When considering alternatives, factors like community support, documentation, and scalability become crucial. Each solution brings its unique strengths, empowering organizations to tailor their infrastructure management to their distinct requirements.

As you embark on your exploration, dive into the specifics of each alternative, experiment, and align your choice with organizational goals. The open-source landscape offers a dynamic array of possibilities, ensuring your infrastructure journey thrives in the realm of flexibility, collaboration, and innovation.

Disclaimer: I’m actively involved with Terrakube and contribute to its development. While I’ve aimed for an impartial overview of open-source alternatives to Terraform Enterprise/Cloud, please be aware of my affiliation. I encourage readers to explore and evaluate these solutions independently based on their specific needs. Transparency is crucial, and I appreciate your understanding.

