Intelligent Applications

Sunesh Govindaraj
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2018

Intelligent applications like VPAs’ execute some of the functions of a human assistant making daily tasks easier (by minding e-mails for an instance) and making its users much more effective (by highlighting the most important content and interactions).

Other intelligent applications like virtual client assistants VCAs’ are more specialized for tasks in most places such as sales and client support. As such, these intelligent applications have the capability to transform the character of work and structure of the workplace.

To make such applications, organizations will have to embrace key application technology and architecture capacities comprising:

Data that supports:

  1. Quick data ingest, index and cataloging
  2. Improved data access across the organization
  3. Data management solutions
  4. Flexible Data Management and Delivery

Information as a Service that supports:

  1. User self-service
  2. Faster and data detection and exploration
  3. Accelerated data provisioning management, tracking, and monitoring
  4. Integrated data retrieval, transformation, and enrichment solutions

Analytics as a Support (for instance Business Analytics) that supports:

  1. Better, Shareable, and Embeddable analytics and Visualization
  2. Reusable for faster time-to-insight / time-to-value
  3. Integrated for broader viewpoint across varied business functions
  4. Actively maintained and curated for decisions across the enterprise

Intelligent Applications (in terms of App Development) that supports:

  1. Developed in Agile fashion with contemporary PaaS and DevOps techniques
  2. Provide analytical insights at the point of decision
  3. For everybody, updated for constant significance
  4. Delivered in whatever manner is best including mobile, net, IoT systems, etc.

Being honest, it only makes logical sense to integrate analytics with application development to make intelligent applications that not only deliver a more compelling user experience but additionally learn from the consumer participation to become more relevant and important to those users. I mean to collect all this transactional, social, portable, wearable and IoT data aren’t going to do anything unless it is put into specific result-oriented use. And the most logical method to drive action from the data and analytics is via intelligent applications.




Published in terralogicinc

Terralogic is all about futuristic technology services for the connected world. We hold a personalized business care for each of our customers, fixing a keen eye on the real-time problem, exactly the way our customers’ views them.

Sunesh Govindaraj
Sunesh Govindaraj

Written by Sunesh Govindaraj

Infrastructure Security @Mollie | Never Ending Learner | tweets @suneshgovind