How to manage your GitHub Organization with Terraform

Sören Martius
Terramate Blog
Published in
8 min readMar 8, 2020


GitHub is the most popular platform for software development version control using Git. In our day to day business, we work for a broad set of organizations, from small startups to big enterprises. One thing we’ve been observing across all possible stages and sizes of companies is, that managing a GitHub organization efficiently is a challenge.

This is the first part of our series “How to manage your GitHub Organization with Terraform”.

In this article, we’ll explain how we manage our and our customer’s GitHub organizations through code with Terraform.

In the second part of this series, we will primarily focus on automating terraform.

Here is a brief overview of what we will cover:

  1. Terraform and the GitHub provider
  2. Manage your GitHub organization and repositories with Terraform
  3. Keep your code DRY with modules
  4. How to manage your organization with modules
  5. How to manage your GitHub teams with modules
  6. How to manage your GitHub repositories with modules
  7. Import existing GitHub resources
  8. Conclusion

Terraform and the GitHub provider

Terraform is a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. With Terraform you can write Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and describe your infrastructure with a high-level, declarative syntax.

In this article, we will assume that you are familiar with the Terraform basics. If you are just getting started, we advise you to read the official introduction to Terraform.

The GitHub Provider is a Terraform wrapper around the GitHub API and, by the time of writing, allows us to manage the following resources:

  • Organizations (memberships, blocked users, issue labels, projects, webhooks)
  • Repositories (collaborators, branch protection rules, deploy keys, projects, webhooks)
  • Teams (memberships, repositories)
  • Your User (SSH keys, invitations)

Note: Due to provider limitations, we can’t create organizations using Terraform. To create a new organization please follow this guide.

Manage your GitHub organization and repositories with Terraform

Let’s get started. We assume that you have Terraform installed locally and your GitHub organization created. For the sake of simplicity, we will focus on managing a plain organization for now but we will point out how to migrate existing organizations later in this article.

To be able to communicate with the GitHub API, we need to issue a personal access token. If you haven’t issued one yet, please follow this guide to create a new one.

For personal accounts, we recommend using the permissions setup shown below. However, if you’d like to use the token inside your CI (e.g. for a machine user ), we recommend you for the sake of security to issue a token that comes without the permission to delete repositories.

The permissions for your GitHub Private Access Token should be repo:all, admin::org:all, admin::repo_hook:all, delete_repo
GitHub Personal Access Token Permissions

Once you have your organization and access token in place, you can continue to configure the provider and take a look at some sample code.

The code below is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Configure the GitHub provider to manage your organization
  • Add the GitHub user a-github-user to the organization.
  • Create a repository a-test-repository inside your organization and configure a branch protection rule

It makes sense to replace the placeholders a-github-user and a-test-repository with your desired inputs.

To be able to run the code, you need to set your personal access token as a “token” param on the provider github section, but I strongly suggest setting a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable instead ( e.g. export GITHUB_TOKEN=YOUR_TOKEN, which is read by the provider directly.

Passing the token as an environment variable avoids Terraform storing it unencrypted on disk when saving a plan output file and is therefore recommended.

To initialize your Terraform environment (create initial files, loading any remote state, downloading modules, etc.), you need to run terraform init.

With terraform plan you can create an execution plan that you should review before applying any changes to your organization. Terraform will ask you for the name of the organization you'd like to manage.

the output of terraform plan

It’s important to review any changes before applying them to your organization.

A common mistake we see quite often is to run terraform plan and terraform apply without checking the plan of terraform apply. Actually, terraform apply checks the differences between the state Terraform keeps in the configured backend and the deployed infrastructure once again and will ask you to continue before the changes will be deployed.

In some environments, especially when multiple people or machines may deploy the same resources, it’s mandatory to run terraform apply on a previously created and reviewed plan. This can be achieved by running passing a previously generated planfile to the apply command (e.g. terraform plan -out=tfplan and terraform apply tfplan).

Let’s run terraform apply to create the desired resources.

the output of terraform apply

That’s it! You can easily take it from here and add more members, repositories and even take a look at the team resource.

Keep your code DRY with modules

Using the sample code we discussed in the previous section is a great starting point but nothing solid if you would like to manage an organization that has dozens or even hundreds of repositories, members and teams. In a real-world scenario, quite often you would apply the same or similar settings to a set of repositories. We use modules in our GitHub code to set some standards among our resources and to make some configurations easier or more compact.

We recently open-sourced some Terraform 0.12 modules to simplify managing GitHub through code:

  1. terraform-github-repository
  2. terraform-github-organization
  3. terraform-github-team

If you’d like to read more about modules in Terraform, we recommend this guide.

How to manage your GitHub organization with modules

Let’s start writing our organization as code with a more sophisticated approach using modules. GitHub requires you to add a new member either as a member or as an admin. Also, quite often GitHub users choose usernames that aren't really expressive. To keep an overview of which account belongs to whom, it's a good practice to map the email addresses of your colleagues to their GitHub usernames. Since we normally reference each user in multiple resources, it's a more convenient way to use the user's email address instead of the username.

Let’s create the file with the following content.

The code in defines the user groups admin_machine_users, member_machine_users, admin_users and member_users. Typical use cases for machine users are automated tasks such as checking out a repository in your CI / CD Pipelines. We will discuss more on that later.

Also, we again need to configure the GitHub provider to make our code working. Please create a file with the following content.

After replacing the example values with your data, you should be able to deploy the changes to your organization.

Note: Our open source modules use for, for-each and dynamic nested blocks that were introduced in Terraform 0.12. A common problem in Terraform configurations previously to version 0.12 is dealing with situations where the number of values or resources is decided by a dynamic expression rather than a fixed count. You can now dynamically add and remove items from and to Lists without the necessity to render the whole list of resources again. Terraform will only add and remove the items you want it to.

Feel free to play around with the You can add and remove members dynamically and even cluster the members into more specific groups.

How to manage your GitHub teams with modules

After adding all members to your repository, you should set up your team structure. For the sake of simplicity we will only deal with two teams in our examples, but feel free to add as many teams as you like.

Let’s create a file with the following code.

Running terraform apply deploys two teams into your organization and adds the desired members. Now let's take a look at repositories, the most important resources of your organization.

How to manage your GitHub repositories with modules

Quite often repositories share the same or a similar set of settings. Since we would like to keep our configuration as DRY as it is possible with Terraform, let’s create some default settings that we can apply to each new repository. It’s usually a good starting point to create some default settings for private as well as public repositories.

Let’s create a file with the following content.

If you create a repository with our terraform-github-repository module you should be aware, that the module is opinionated and comes with a default set of options. For details please read the documentation of the module.

Now that we have our default settings in place, let’s add some repositories to the

That’s it! We successfully defined our GitHub Organization as Code. From here you can easily add your members, teams, and repositories. Our modules offer a broad set of options. We recommend you to read the documentation for each module.

Import existing GitHub resources

Terraform is able to import existing infrastructure. This allows you to take resources you’ve created by some other means and bring it under Terraform management. This is especially helpful if you’d like to manage a GitHub organization with existing resources through code.

Let’s assume you have an existing repository i-love-teraform. To import the existing repository into your state, you need to create the resource as code first. Let's import an existing repository as an example.

Once you finished writing the code, you can run the command terraform import module.repository.github_repository.repository "i-love-terraform" .

Once you finished writing the code, you can run the command terraform import module.repository.github_repository.repository "i-love-terraform" .

Note: The current implementation of terraform import can only import resources into the state. It does not generate configuration. A future version of Terraform will also generate configuration.

The above import is considered a “simple import”: one resource is imported into the state file. An import may also result in a “complex import” where multiple resources are imported. For example, a repository most like also has a branch protection rule associated with it.

In this scenario, the secondary resources will not already exist in the configuration, so it is necessary to consult the import output and create a resource block in the configuration for each secondary resource. If this is not done, Terraform will plan to destroy the imported objects on the next run.

If you want to rename or otherwise move the imported resources, you should give the state management commands a try.


In this article, you learned how to manage your GitHub infrastructure as code. You also learned how to keep your code DRY with Terraform modules. Also, you can find the final example on GitHub. Feel free to fork this repository and use it as a starting point for your own organization.

In the next part of this series, you will learn how to automate the terraform plan and apply commands inside your CI and how to deploy changes following the GitHub flow.



Sören Martius
Terramate Blog

I like simplicity, pragmatism and common sense while bridging business, product and technology.