Rich Content and Richer Connections on Hylo

Krisha Subramanian
Terran Collective
Published in
4 min readOct 28, 2022

We’ve just launched Hylo 5.0.0! We have exciting new rich content options on Hylo as well as significant UI design improvements on our mobile applications — seriously, go update the Hylo App on your phone right now!

These new developments are brought to you in partnership with our friends at Salmon Nation Trust and The Tribal Resource Center. We are so grateful for these aligned partners who have chosen Hylo as their coordination tool.

Salmon Nation is a bioregion, which extends from Northern California to the North Slope of Alaska, where local cultures are growing movements for resilience.

Haida Gwaii, British Columbia

The Salmon Nation Trust and Terran Collective are partnering to accelerate regenerative projects in the bioregion through The Edge Prize. The Edge Prize will create a peer-to-peer community of local leaders hosted on Hylo.

Video Embedding

With this recent release, we have added Video Embedding. Now Hylo members can share engaging YouTube videos, Vimeo, Soundcloud and more links directly in a post. All the better for community members to showcase their work, post event recordings, and share how-to videos!

Video Embeds on the Hylo Stream

Text Formatting

We have also added text formatting in posts and comments for better readability. The text formatting toolbar lives at the top of the Post Editor, and allows authors to use bold, italic, bullet points and lists, indentation, headers, and more. Text formatting is also available in comments via standard keyboard shortcuts.

The Tribal Resource Center (TRC) was formed to promote digital connectivity on Tribal reservations, empowering communities to utilize the benefits of broadband. The TRC is the hub for trusted resources to assist tribes in installing and adopting broadband. We are partnering with them to establish a peer-to-peer network of learning and mutual support for tribal nations on Hylo. Our new resource library and collections feature will support these communities to find and share relevant content in an organized manner.

Post Collections

Post Collections allow group admins to aggregate sets of posts, and highlight them in a custom view accessible from the group’s navigation.

Settings for Post Collections

Admins can search for posts to add in the collection, and manually sort/reorder them by dragging and dropping.

Adding Posts to a Post Collection

Use this for:
- Highlighting important resources or discussions in a group
- Creating an organized library for your community to refer to
- Courses! Create educational modules around specific topics

Search the Post Stream

To allow for better searchability for posts, we’ve also added a post stream search/filter feature. Users can click on the magnifying glass at the top of the stream to enter a search term and filter any view of posts by that text.

Use this for: Searching for relevant content in your community!

Search and Filter the Stream

Check out other additional features and changes in the Changelog below:

### Added

- CustomViews of type ‘post stream’ can now specify a default view mode and sort but these can be changed by the user when looking at the Custom View.

- Add ‘Abusive’ as reason to flag a post

### Changed

  • Navigating from one group to another no longer stays on the same view, (explore, map, member directory…), rather it goes to the new group’s home page (Stream)
  • Improvements to general Link Preview retrieval and display
  • Link navigating in posts is more consistent
  • Topics stream and Projects view now have controls for changing the sort and view mode
  • Bold text in a post appears bold
  • Correctly show the current context in the navigation drawer

### Fixed

  • Fix display of group search menu so it isn’t half covered
  • Clicking on # people commented in post card opens the post details
  • Fix error message when trying to create an invalid Affiliation

Thank you for your support!

We hope you enjoy the new features and upgraded design. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out with questions, comments, or other feedback.

With gratitude,
Hylo stewards

