Want to create technology for thriving?

Clare Politano
Terran Collective
4 min readJun 28, 2021


Hylo is an open-source web and mobile platform for groups regenerating our communities and our planet. Hylo amplifies collective action through a set of place-based tools for social coordination, helping networked groups collaborate to achieve shared goals for real-world impact.

We are hiring full-stack developers to help steward the platform!

Full-stack Developer

Terran Collective is seeking an experienced full-stack (Node & React) developer to join us in building Hylo: the social coordination platform for a thriving planet. We are looking for a full time engineer to immediately join our small team and help us co-create the platform we need to evolve our civilization towards global cooperation in service to a world that works for all!

Technical Skills Desired & Our Stack (all code open source)

We’re seeking candidates who have experience with at least some of these technologies:

Node + PostgreSQL + GraphQL back-end

React front-end

React Native on mobile

There’s also a possibility that this role could end up working on a Hylo integration with (or a full port over to) Holochain, so interest and experience with decentralized app development and web3 technologies is also of great interest.

Our Values

It’s also really important to us that you align with and are on board with our Terran values and the design principles at the core of how we are building Hylo:

  • Seven-generation thinking — We are building tools for long-term planetary thriving.
  • Relationship-centered design — We work in deep partnership with all stakeholders, optimizing for trust and relationship-building with every other community this work touches.
  • Transparency — Hylo is open source and our operations, finances, and governance are open to all.
  • Interoperability — We will use, contribute to and create open standards and protocols wherever possible, and work to integrate with as many existing platforms as we can, especially those which are open source and values aligned.
  • Privacy and user sovereignty — We will never sell your data or share it without your explicit request. You can export and delete your data as you wish.
  • Inclusivity — We are committed to ensuring these tools are shaped by and effectively serve diverse communities. Hylo will be accessible to all by remaining free to use in perpetuity.
  • Collective stewardship — Hylo is already developed in deep partnership with our users. Eventually, Hylo will be stewarded by the community as a platform cooperative, where all users are stakeholders who may participate in the collective governance of the platform.

How We Work

Here’s our project board: https://github.com/orgs/Hylozoic/projects/1

We are a mostly remote team, with periodic optional in-person co-working in Oakland, CA and retreats. We do two weeks sprints, daily standups, and weekly team meetings.

The Position

We are looking for an experienced full-stack dev ready to hit the ground running. You can definitely have more experience in, or preference for, front-end or back-end dev work, but ideally you would love taking on a feature and making it happen front to back and everything in between. We would also particularly love help with our React Native based iOS and Android apps.

Over the next 9 months, we have a partnership with the amazing OpenTEAM (Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management) that is funding our work on Hylo to build out some really exciting new functionality for the regenerative agriculture movement. So in the short term, one particular focus will be tools for building community among farmers and supporting local food systems. We also are continuing to clean up and polish the core functionality of Hylo for enabling collaboration and coordination within and across communities, organizations, and networks of all kinds.

This role pays between $8,000 — $10,000 per month (based on experience, need and location) plus health, vision & dental insurance. Hylo is a not-for-profit and this is what we have currently agreed is a fair and reasonable amount to pay everyone on the team (we all get paid roughly the same amount.) We will prioritize developers based in Northern California (and especially in the Bay Area) because we prefer to build relationships with people in our bioregion, but the position is fully remote and we are open to finding the perfect developer from further away.

To apply, please fill out this form (https://terrans.typeform.com/to/XXIxKGRi)

Commitment to Equity

Terran Collective is an equal opportunity employer committed to racial and environmental justice, and we encourage members of historically marginalized groups to apply for these positions.



Clare Politano
Terran Collective

Software engineer & bioregional organizer building regenerative technology for collective governance @hylo @terrancollectiv.