I Believe in Terra Virtua. The World’s First Blockchain Based Platform for VR Entertainment and Content Creation

Peter Bergstrom
2 min readMay 18, 2018


Screenshot from VR of a Terra Virtua Zone

The product proposition, the VR and AR tech prototypes, the team, the use-case, the internal token economy, the use of blockchain, the seed funding — are all VERY solid. Terra Virtua is a high quality ICO and as proof, it has now, in a matter of days, blown past it’s soft-cap by several $million. Terra Virtua is certainly happening — the only question is how big and how quickly.

Given my neutral stance in reporting facts about crypto and blockchain, why do I support an ICO officially? As a high profile social media influencer, I do have a lot of choice. I get offered to be an advisor on several ICOs daily. If greed was my motivator, I would probably be an advisor on 1,000’s of ICOs by now — instead I have chosen to support only a very small handful of carefully selected, high quality ICOs.

I am a believer that the true wealth of crypto and blockchain is yet to be experienced — and that wealth is knowing you have been part of creating a technology that can positively influence billions. I truly seek to be part of that — not the crazy rollercoaster ride of crypto speculation that sometimes comes along with it.

Peter Bergstrom, CSO


