Creative Headspace: PYL In-Flight Entertainment (Nov 25, 2020)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
5 min readNov 24, 2020


Welcome Back My Creative Passengers:

This week is feeling a little less pressurized for me and I hope you are feeling the same. I hit some big milestones for my clients last week and now our timelines for the remaining deliverables are a little less insane. I also got into a Snapchat fight with my son Adam on Saturday at which point I said fuck it (he said fuck off) and let go of the rope in that tug-o-war.

I woke up Sunday morning inspired to write and create, a feeling I haven’t had in a while. A new friend (and fellow tennis player) asked me about angel investing resources and I spent a few hours collecting the resources and creating a blog post. Then I created some social media images and pushed the post out on social media.

I actually took the time to create different images for the different platforms to encourage folks to click on (LinkedIn, IG, Twitter) or save (Pinterest).

I had some extra brain cells left so I did some research on YouTube SEO (search engine optimization) to see if there were some simple things I could do to bump up my viewer numbers. Usually I resist playing the game but I decided that it was worth giving a try.

I am thinking about what I want to accomplish in 2021 with all that I am doing and need to experiment with some new tools and new approaches (TikTok?). I even downloaded TubeBuddy to help with keywords and analytics. Will I pay for the premium version? Maybe. Just add it to the list of tools I subscribe to monthly. Ugh!.

It felt so good to have space in my brain to move about and be curious enough to actively seek out new knowledge that I knew would lead to more work. But I was in the right headspace for it and I continue to be in that space.

I wrote another blog post on Monday on how I onboard folks on the Clubhouse app. When I am in the flow, writing is such a breeze. When I am not, it’s a struggle to even come up with the thoughts I want to express, let alone find the right words.

In yesterday’s YouTube video, I talked about being creative during the pandemic. I have really struggled over the last nine months.

I was cooking for the first few months and that was my creative outlet during the first phase of the Covid pandemic. Then I got frustrated with my family and gave that up; Zeke and Rei are more than capable and they have more time than I do. (We order in a few nights a week to help the local economy too!)

I wanted to work on book #2 but just haven’t been able to until yesterday when I got up the nerve to open a room on Clubhouse and ask people the following questions:

  • What is or has been your biggest challenge?
  • What if you could have gotten rid of it or could get rid of it?
  • What would your life look like without that challenge to overcome?

I’d love to hear from you with your responses to these questions. Please email me at I am collecting ideas so I can create the setting, conditions, and characters for my next book which will be fiction, not non-fiction.Yikes!

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Thanksgiving. As I look at this picture, I cringe at the idea of so many people so close together.

It’s just us four (me, my husband Zeke, and our two kids Adam and Rei) for Thanksgiving which is typical. We have family drama so we’ve avoided larger family gatherings in the last few years. Adam came home from San Diego on Monday night so we are all under the same roof. Yeah? I’ll let you know how it went next week. And no, I have no idea how long he is here for.

And yes we hit 50 likes for the video from July so I will be smoking some weed and recording Saturday’s video with him. Double yikes?

Despite the craziness of 2020, I continue to be grateful for so many things including you, my faithful reader.

Every day I write three things I am grateful for and it’s always easy to find something, no matter my mental state and the state of the world…the blessing of being an optimist.

YouTube: Terri Mead

YouTube: Creative Space During the Pandemic
I’ve really struggled with my attention span and my creativity over the last nine months while we’ve been trying to stay safe and healthy during the pandemic.

Parenting has been a challenge and has required a lot of my mental bandwidth. My client work has been demanding as well although I am really grateful that my business has picked up this year. On Sunday I felt some space in my brain to be creative and it felt great. In yesterday’s video, I talk about finding space to be creative during the pandemic. Enjoy.

YouTube: Clubhouse Saved Me During Covid
I was not thriving during Covid. I missed being around people. I missed meeting new people. I missed learning from them. I felt like I was dying on the vine like a sad and sorry tomato. And then I got onto the Clubhouse app and my world opened up. It’s not a perfect place…the Clubhouse platform…but I’ve created the space I want and continue to meet new people. More on my experience in Saturday’s video.

What’s my challenge for you today? Take a breath. Give yourself some space to breathe. Find some head space to be creative.

With much love and gratitude,


P.S. Take the controls and be the pilot in your own life. It’s a beautiful day to fly, and you are cleared for takeoff.

Song: Just My Imagination by the Cranberries
Piloting Your Life (the book)
Terri Mead YouTube Channel
Piloting Your Life (the podcast)

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Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.