Europe 2018: Exploring the Cote d’Azur

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
6 min readJul 5, 2018


In my hotel room in Berlin…seems appropriate for tasting life!

Travel gives us the opportunity to taste new foods and savor new experiences so the quote above seems perfectly symbolic for this particular trip as it has been delicious on so many levels.

View from some random road stop along the Cote d’Azur

On Tuesday (03 July) I hopped into the Fiat 500 and attempted to head towards Monaco. Google maps decided that I needed to go the most direct route which meant A8 but really, I wanted to cruise down the coast like we do in California with the water on our right. After circling Nice a bit, I finally found my way to the coastal road, turned off the map app, and started driving.

I ended up stopping for lunch in Villefranche-sur-Mer because someone I went to high school with suggested I stop there (thanks, Michael).

I really need the cafe gourmand to take hold in the US…I love this! No need to choose when you can have a taste of all of them.

I wandered around until I found a place for lunch and then continued to wander. This is one of those hillside towns so there were many stairs which was good after sitting in the car.

Saw this beauty and couldn’t help but laugh at the contrast between the dark and mysterious yacht (I think it says 007 on it) and the pink flamingo floaty.


I wandered into the other side of the Citadel which, of course, required some more steps.

The old with the new in Villemarch-sur-Mer.

Somewhere between Villemarch-Sur-Mer and Monaco

The coastline is impressive not just because of the water but because of the majesty of the rocks and hills. I was amazed by the tunnels that went through these rocks.

Public pool at the port of Monaco

I had no idea what to expect of Monaco and was once again amazed by what I saw. I found a parking garage, took a photo of where my car was parked in hopes of being able to get back to it, and started walking. My European cell package didn’t work in Monaco so I was without service while there (very odd by the way…it’s worked in all of the other countries).

I made a circuitous path to the palace…the signage wasn’t the best

My son’s girlfriend Alyssa had put together a list of places for me to visit if I went to the east of Nice and fortunately I kept the list. One of the places was the Palais Princier de Monaco. I still don’t know much about it other than it was quite a climb to get to (I think Alyssa is trying to kill me with these suggestions) and the art on the grounds was spectacular.

View from halfway up to the top…I thought I was running out of time so I went straight up with one stop. I might have been gasping for air here.

But I finally made it and the view was incredible.

I had no idea that it was so built up. There was a lot of construction going on. I decided to follow the road around the area and get away from everyone else who was heading towards the center.

I was not disappointed with my decision to climb up and see the palace grounds. There are various public exhibit offerings including a marine aquatic facility housed in the building shown below.

And the art! I loved the art as I walked around the green space and around various buildings. This one was my favorite. I think it would work well in our backyard but would exceed my baggage weight limit.

The cathedral/church (really, what’s the difference?) on the grounds were quite lovely.

Inside the cathedral
I think this counts as a cathedral

At this point I was thirsty and in need of a refreshment so a quick stop for some gelato was in order before heading back down to try to find the car.

As I was finishing my cone and watching the guards in the little huts, a few dark vehicles sped up to the building and a number of folks in dark suits got out. No clue who they were but they acted as if they thought they were important. The police escort may have also been an indicator.

And then the trek back down the stairs. Fortunately these weren’t as slippery as Notre Dame de Beauvoir.

The trip back was the direct route via A8 to get the rental car back to the airport before 7 PM. It was still fun to play go-go speed racer with a stick shift as I meandered back along the coast to the highway and ultimately screeching to a halt in the line at Hertz. I was pretty damned proud of myself for figuring it all out.

Feet meet the Mediterranean again

Once back at the hotel, I threw on some flip flops and walked across the street to the beach. Not exactly the white sandy beaches of Hawaii…in fact, I let the water come to me and then went back to the hotel to change and head back to the Bistrot Chaud-Vin for dinner for a third time. I was not disappointed!

Burrata and cherry tomato salad (could do without the ham)

I told my husband that we would be eating more melon with prosciutto and more salads like the one above when I got back, along with more gazpacho. These are all the flavors of Provence for me that I love so much. And I managed to get the recipe for the basil and melon tiramisu dessert that I ate the three nights I was at the restaurant (if the chef/owner ever comes to SF, I owe him a helicopter ride). And if you go to this restaurant, trust the recommendations of the servers. You will not be led astray.

I was wondering why my lower back was aching a bit (I typically don’t have back issues) but realized that two days of this kind of activity in the soulless sandals (I am shopping for new ones in Paris on Saturday) may have contributed to the discomfort. I think I am under 1500 steps today and am taking it easy.

And with that, time to get cleaned up and grab a snack before heading to Silicon Allee to meet the Ada gals and talk about early stage investing, investing in women, and digital health with Min-Sung Kim. Can’t wait!



Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.