Expanding the Power and Influence of Women on Clubhouse

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2020


New Club on Clubhouse: Women and Power

I have three clubs on Clubhouse:

— Virtual Coworking Procrastinators (open nearly daily)

— Midlife Madness (still getting off the ground)

— Women and Power (just getting started!)

I used to have the Self-Promotion Support Group (SPSG) and attempted to do weekly working sessions for those of us who struggle with self promotion. I also tried to do some events with experts in branding, self-promotion, and the like. It just didn’t take off. I tried. I failed. I moved on.

I decided to repurpose the SPSG club and created Women and Power.

For anyone who knows me, this makes so much more sense. I’ve spent the last five years actively working on amplifying the voices and expanding the power of ALL women, and not just white, cis-het women.

I speak on this at conferences and talked about this on my podcast, Piloting Your Life.

I did an entire season of my podcast on women’s health (episodes PYL085–PYL099) beginning with PYL084 Opportunities in Women’s Health and PYL085 What is New and Exciting in Women’s Health and Digital Health (Jan2019).

And another season on women who’ve raised Series A and beyond, women investors, and people supporting this ecosystem (PYL068-PYL082). One of the highlights of that season was a conversation with my dear friend Tawana Burnett on her journey into angel investing (episode PYL080). I believe that money is power and we need greater diversity in the people making the decisions on what gets funded in the world.

I write about this regularly on Medium and in my weekly In-Flight Entertainment newsletter.

I tweet and retweet about this and actively advocate for and support women.

I challenge men to be intentional about destroying the patriarchy and being more intentional about their support of women in doing so. I am relentless on this topic. Just ask my husband and Jason Calacanis.

I wrote a book for women over the age of 40 to inspire them to design and live a life of their own creation. It’s called Piloting Your Life and while written as a love letter to GenX women, the messaging crosses generations and some of it even helps men.

Melinda Gates says in her book Moment of Lift that when we lift up women, we lift up societies.

I absolutely agree. Thus, I created the Women and Power club on Clubhouse.

Expect weekly fireside chats with amazing women as we learn from them about their journeys and what they are doing to claim their power and change the world.

We women can’t level the playing field and smash the patriarchy on our own.

We need everyone else by our side with the sledgehammers and the construction tools and equipment to break it down and then build it up in a way that benefits all of us, not just a select few.

The world was desgined by and for men. It’s time for this to change.

Join me for these conversations on Mondays at 4:30 PM pacific on @joinclubhouse.

If you have suggestions for women who are on Clubhouse (or that you will invite for this purpose), email me at pilotingyourlife@gmail.com.



Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.