Friends…How Many of Us Have Them? PYL In-Flight Entertainment (Feb 17, 2021)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
3 min readFeb 17, 2021


Welcome Back My Supportive Passengers:

Who do you call when you are in trouble? Does it depend on what the trouble is? Do you have close friends you can confide in? How deep is your friend bench?

When I was in a jam or feeling blue, I used to mentally go through my friend rolodex and find all sorts of reasons not to make a call or send a text asking for help. I didn’t want to impose on any of my friends because I knew they were busy or had enough of their own problems. I didn’t want to be a burden.

Enough of that shit.

Because, really, I would drop just about anything for a friend, regardless of how big or small the issue was. And I didn’t see them or their problem as a burden. So why wouldn’t my friends do the same for me?

It had nothing to do with them and everything to do with me. I didn’t feel worthy of the love and support.

Once again, enough of that shit.

As I talked about in yesterday’s YouTube video, I am blessed to have amazing people in my life that I can call friends (both men and women) and who I can call when the shit hits the fan, just to catch up, or when I want someone to celebrate a success with me.

Who makes up your crew?

YouTube: Terri Mead

YouTube: Friendship and Support (Midlife Opportunities)
Recently I reached deep into my bench of friends to help me through a difficult time. I’ve been very intentional about culitivating and investing in my friendships over the past 5–7 years.I didn’t realize how important this was to my health and happiness until I did research for my book Piloting Your Life. Deep and meaningful friendships and relationships can not only improve life satisfaction, but they can save your life. More in Tuesday’s video.

YouTube: Taking Out the Trash (Midlife Opportunities)
What’s holding you back? What’s keeping you from accomplishing what you want? What could you be doing if you weren’t held back by your own shit and limiting beliefs? I am asking myself all of these questions and more in Saturday’s YouTube video.

What’s my challenge for you today?Quick friendship analysis. Draw a circle. Then draw another circle around it. Then another circle around that one. In the first circle, put your 5 closest friends. In the next circle add the next 10 closest friends. In the next circle add the next closest 15 friends. Would you like any of these to be closer friends? Should any be moved to an outer circle?

With much love and gratitude,


P.S. Take the controls and be the pilot in your own life. It’s a beautiful day to fly, and you are cleared for takeoff.

Song: You’ve Got a Friend in Me by Randy Newman (from Toy Story)
Piloting Your Life (the book)
Terri Mead YouTube Channel
Piloting Your Life (the podcast)

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Facebook Group: Piloting Your Life (the book)

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Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.