Goal: Being a Midlife Influencer for Women
Last week I defined the purpose for my midlife influencer content with the help of my friend Werner Puchert who is based just outside of Warsaw, Poland. (My blog post here and Werner’s full recording of our working session here)
Werner is a design thinking expert who is using me as a guinea pig (or should I say test case) for his design thinking toolkit. I am leveling up on my content creation and midlife influencer role for women.
The next step in pulling together my design brief had to be defining goals. Typically this is something his clients come in with as they already have their business objectives for a specific project. I do this with my consulting clients for their projects all of the time so you’d think this would be a simple and straightforward exercise.
We started with documenting where I am now. Actually, I think we started with where I wanted to be and then went back and forth between the two. This wasn’t a difficult exercise. It’s pretty much a list of what frustrates me right now.
I’d given some thought to where I want to be with my midlife influencer content and activities and Werner helped me to not only articulate what I want, but then forced me to quantify what I want, or at least start to. Having specific targets will help me measure success and course correct as time goes by.
We narrowed down the timeframe to 2021 to make it easier for me to think about. Planning anything right now is challenging. I blame it on Covid.
Next Three Months
While I would like this to be done immediately, I do have other things going on in my life and so does Werner. We can work on two of the goals over the next few months to position for not only the rest of 2021, but 2022 and beyond.
— Strategy: get a strategy in place, overall and for each platform/channel
— Learn to play the content game: changed mindset re the content game; learnings through YouTube videos, blog posts, the algorithms, acquire tools (will drive strategy)
Next Six Months
I haven’t completed the exercise to quantify these goals as they are dependent on the strategy definition.
— Expand my base: Action Item: number needs to be defined for each platform/channel
— Efficient dissemination of my content: Action Item: increase viewers / readers and engagement: numbers to be defined
— Ship more books: sell 250 books per month (paperback, ebook, audiobook)
— Paid to speak at higher level: two speaking engagements booked for Q1/2022
— Start generating revenue: Action Item: number needs to be defined by potential revenue sources (Patreon, merchandise, other?)
— Obtain sponsors: Action Item: define need for each platform/channel
What’s Next?
The next step is to define my audience and the specific personas or archetypes. This is going to require some research which I am not looking forward to. Werner has assured me that he has tools to simplify the process and make it manageable and inexpensive.
We will be pulling all of this into some sort of design brief. I am curious to see what that looks like and how it compares to some of the project tools I have developed for my consulting projects.
Thanks for joining me on this adventure. I hope that you enjoy the journey and the content as I continue to make my way through this crazy time called midlife.
It truly is madness.
P.S. For more on this journey, follow me here on Medium. Check out my midlife content for women on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.