It’s Time: PYL In-Flight Entertainment (Jan 20, 2021)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
4 min readJan 20, 2021


Welcome Back My Cautiously Hopeful Passengers:

As I write this, we have one more day to get through with the current president. When you read this, Biden and Harris should have been sworn in, hopefully without any more riots or violent clashes led by some seriously misguided people claiming to be American patriots. I think it’s time for us to redefine the image of American patriots, by the way.

If you are like me, you are cautiously optimistic about what to expect in the coming days.

Biden/Harris are inheriting a country with some serious issues that range from the pandemic, to an economy that is failing a lot of people in our society, to serious climate issues that are killing us and our planet, to white supremacy.

I have high hopes for the new administration and at the same time, I am willing to give the new administration not only time to make improvements, but also the opportunity and grace for them to make mistakes.

Some of these issues are decades, even centuries in the making. There are no easy fixes.

One of my biggest concerns is that there are many who are not going to give the new administration any time to make improvements, especially with such serious issues that cannot and won’t be fixed overnight.

The new administration has a lot of opponents who want to see them fail, even at their own expense. This boggles my mind but I am no longer trying to understand it. I want to be part of the solution. I am not giving oxygen to those who refuse to do the same.

I don’t know what this will look like exactly and I am counting on Biden and Harris and their teams to communicate to us what they are doing, why, and what we can do to help. We learned the hard way that being complacent leads to some really bad things.

Let’s not have to learn that lesson twice.

I am 100% confident that we will have a lot better communication for the next four years than what we saw the last four. Let’s take advantage of it and do some good. It’s time.

YouTube: Terri Hanson Mead

YouTube: Failure is Your Second Favorite F Word
I tried something new with the YouTube channel over the weekend and am not sure that it worked, assuming we use ‘views’ as the benchmark for success. I don’t see it as a failure; it was an experiment and I expect to learn from it. Plus it’s only one data point. More in Tuesday’s video.

YouTube: Just for Today in Three Parts
I had a request for shorter videos, perhaps a series, and I gave it a try. Did it work? Not sure. Early indicators show that it didn’t but why don’t you watch and let me know what you think? The total watch time is still around 10 minutes. Here’s the link to the first one. They are queued up to run in sequence.

What’s my challenge for you today? Celebrate despite your cautious optimism. If today, Wednesday, January 20, 2021 goes as planned, history will be made and we are the path to recovery.

With much love and gratitude,


P.S. Take the controls and be the pilot in your own life. It’s a beautiful day to fly, and you are cleared for takeoff.

Song: Ice Cream Castles by The Time
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Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.