#LiftNotDrag: 31 Day Challenge

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2019


I am so done with the concept of a zero sum game.

I am done with women dragging down other women. Especially right now when there are so many men knocking us down, putting up new obstacles and barriers, and attempting to strip us of our rights.

This month, October 2019, in honor of all women, and International Girl’s Day (October 11th), I am issuing a challenge first, to women, but also to our male allies.

Do one thing every day to support, promote, and/or lift another woman.

One thing. One woman. Every day.

Let’s focus on #LiftNotDrag.

I will be posting a new idea every day in the month of October on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest starting tomorrow, October 1st. And possibly Instagram. Jacqueline (my marketing guru and podcast producer) and I are still negotiating what this should look like.

You are welcome to execute the daily idea, choose your own thing, do the same thing every day for different women, or pick and choose the days you want to participate. If you miss a day, pick back up when you can. No self-flagellation allowed. But I highly recommend trying to do one thing every day so that it becomes a really great habit.

Let’s create a tsunami of infectious positivity for women!

To make this go global, for all of us to benefit from, share what you are doing out on social media and use the hashtag #LiftNotDrag.

If someone lifts you up, share it out with the same hashtag.

Talk about it at work, with friends or with complete strangers.

When we promote, support and lift other women, we create new opportunities for ourselves and our world.

Let’s claim our power as woman by supporting other women.

Whatever good we give out completes he circle and comes back to us ~ Flora Edwards

P.S. Men, you too can participate. You have extra homework though (not extra credit).

Stand up for women.

If you witness mainsplaining, call it out.

If you witness a man taking credit for a woman’s ideas, call it out.

If you witness a man continually talking over and interrupting a woman, call it out.

If you witness objectionable behavior by a man toward a woman or group of women, call it out.

Step outside your manbox of comfort and make a difference for the women in the room.

Want to hear more about how this came about? Check out this week’s episode of Piloting Your Life (the podcast) where I chat with Annie Rogaski of Unraveling Pink podcast fame about why this is so important and how we can be better supporters of other women. Out on October 1st!

#LiftNotDrag #PilotingYourLife #TakingtheControls




Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.