Merry F@&$ing Christmas (Dec 23, 2020)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
4 min readDec 23, 2020


Welcome Back Burnt Out Passengers:

It’s December 23rd and I am not in the holiday spirit. We’ve had our tree since the day after Thanksgiving and we’ve watched a few holiday movies since then but I’ve hardly listened to any Christmas carols and am just not feeling it.

My 16 year old Rei wanted to keep the holiday cheer to a minimum to avoid burning out too early and has been limiting anything remotely Christmas related. As a result, don’t think I ever really got into the mood. I know, bah humbug!

It hasn’t helped that I’ve had some pretty big client deadlines, last minute projects, and am working with Adam to get him into a new college and out of SDSU. Oh the joys of dealing with a surly, depressed and anxious 19 year old? Is Calgon still a thing?

I thought that if we made a gingerbread house today while listening to Christmas carols that we can could capture some of the elusive Christmas spirit and then realized at 6:58 AM that Rei has an appointment at SFO for their Global Entry application. I thought it was a good idea at the time and now I am not so sure (it’s 7:21 AM and I haven’t finished the In-Flight newsletter…yikes!).

Check out my mask! Another one made by my fabulous mom.

Update: we were in and out of the appointment at SFO in 7 minutes and were gone for a little over an hour in total.

Rei is now making us breakfast and we are getting the list together for the gingerbread house and Christmas Eve dinner. Christmas carols have been playing since we got in the car at 7:25 AM. It’s 46 degrees outside and crystal clear. Now quite Christmas weather but definitely winter.

We’ve got the spirit, yes we do. We’ve got the spirit, how about you? (yes, this was a high school cheer song and yes I was a cheerleader/song girl)

So cheers to you this holiday season. I hope you are enjoying some time off to practice some self-care and recharge before 2021. Something tells me we are going to need the extra energy.

Oh, and if you are a mom and haven’t seen the SNL Christmas Morning skit about Mom’s robe, well, you need to.

YouTube: Terri Mead

YouTube: Ideas for the Holiday Break: Books, Puzzles, Podcasts, Shows
In 2020 I’ve needed the ‘comfort food’ of entertainment and distraction which means no stress and no anxiety and pretty much, not much of anything new.

In yesterday’s video, Rei and I shared our favorite distractions for 2020 including books, puzzles, podcasts, apps, shows, and some movies. Enjoy them over the holidays!

YouTube: Video 100: I made a terrible mistake
Ok, so the label on the thumbnail is a bit click-baity and you have to watch the video to get what I am referring to with the question.

What’s my challenge for you today? If you have a few days off, enjoy them. Savor them. Take time for you. Use that facial or hair or foot mask you’ve been putting off. For me, it’s going to be the under-eye mask thingys…whatever they are called.


With much love and gratitude,


P.S. Take the controls and be the pilot in your own life. It’s a beautiful day to fly, and you are cleared for takeoff.

Song: Have a Holly Jolly Christmas by Burl Ives
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Piloting Your Life (the podcast)

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Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.