Nicaragua Adventures #7: Beach Time

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
5 min readJun 17, 2021


Welcome Back My Beach Loving Passengers:

I fully embraced the hammock at Pili’s at Playa Coronado on my last full day in Nicaragua (June 8th). We had torrential rain in the morning that cleared to beautiful and dramatic skies in the afternoon. (more pics below)

Depsite the kitchen and restaurant being closed, Finn settled themselves in the shade to read the new Laurie R King book that had just come out. They pretty much disappeared while consumed by the book which was slightly annoying since I would have liked some company as I waded into the ocean and soaked up every last bit of Nica.

My view from the hammock was pretty stellar and eventually Finn joned me in the adjacent hammock until I left (to wade in the ocean) and they quickly took over the one with the best view.

I can’t tell you the number of countries (ok, maybe it’s just five) where I have pictures of Finn (and Adam) reading. So glad we raised readers but sometimes it’s hard to get Finn’s nose out of a good book. Christy can attest to this as Finn went back and reread Laurie R King’s previous two books and was pretty much hammock-bound the entire time.

The night before, we’d been down at Pili’s for happy hour (meeting up with a few of Christy’s friends before dinner) and while we encouraged Finn to get out and play some volleyball with the other teenagers, Finn opted to watch from under the palapa. Beginner’s volleyball is every Tuesday at 4 PM and I am pretty sure Finn hasn’t been down once to check it out. It’s also a great way for Finn to meet some of the local teenagers but no, Finn prefers to hang out with the adults. Sigh.

The sunset views from the beaches in this area are incredible. I am so glad I have pictures to remind me of what it was like to be there. My skin felt great with the extra moisture from the humidity and the cool breeze that came off the water. And my hair was extra curly (and unruly) but really, beach hair don’t care. I’ve embraced the curl since coming home and even bought new product to maximize them.

While we’d been down for sunset happy hours a number of times, this was the first time we saw people on horseback. Looked like a lot of fun but I am pretty sure I would have spilled my happy hour cocktail on the horse and that is just not acceptable.

Each afternoon seemed to get progressively busier with groups of surfers going out and families playing with their kids. While I was tempted to go into the water a few times, I was educated early on to respect the ocean (bodies of water in general) and to not swim by myself whether in the ocean, a lake or a pool. Safety first!

Next time. With Zeke. I will be diving in the waves. Actually we will be doing that in Mexico in November and I can’t wait for more beach time!

I loved that most evenings we would spend about 30–40 minutes at the beach enjoying the sunset. It was a great way to slow down and transition from the day to the evening. And this happened early. We typically got to the beach around 5:30 and we were walking or driving back around 6:05 PM to start dinner (when we had people over) or go to one of the nearby restaurants.It was completely dark by 6:30. This is mindboggling. Just as it was light until 10 PM in Provence mid July, it’s dark at 6:30 PM in Nicaragua in June.

I may print this one out and hang it in my office as a reminder of what is important in my life. Basically, why I work as hard as I do, doing what I do, and finding balance to work and play equally hard. Plus, downtime is crucial. Relaxing is not evil. It’s necessary.

One last pic of the ocean from that last day. The sky doesn’t look real and we were in for some pretty amazing lightening and rain.

The next post will be the last from my Nicaraguan adventures and will chronicle my trip home including the prep (Costa Rica insurance, Covid test, four cars, two planes, lots of tears, one chugged beer, three margaritas, and an unexpected stop at a gas station).

With much love and gratitude,


P.S. Take the controls and be the pilot in your own life. It’s a beautiful day to fly, and you are cleared for takeoff.

Song:No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem by Kenny Chesney
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Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.