Piloting Your Life: Book Club

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2020


If you are reading this, I am assuming you love to read and are always looking for something new and delicious and inspiring and maybe educational.

I have been in a bit of a rut lately and have turned to what I call ‘comfort food’ books and have struggled to explore new things when I go to bed at night and when I need help getting back to sleep in the middle of the night.

I also have a stack of books on my bedside table, another stack in my office, and a list a mile long in Goodreads (not to mention in my Notes on my phone and in my CRM). I can’t be the only one who is struggling with this and thought some support from friends and strangers that could be friends might help motivate us to explore something new.

I’m also jonesing for interaction with other people to learn from and exchange ideas. There’s only so much social media and Netflix I can take.

If this sounds even slightly interesting and enticing, read on.

What Will We Be Reading?

We will follow the themes of piloting your own life and women claiming their power as we choose each book. We will read fiction and non-fiction with an active intention of inclusivity and diversity.

At What Frequency?

We will be choosing one book per month to begin with. If you as members want more, we will adjust accordingly.

Will You Be Hosting Virtual Discussions?

Originally, I planned to host Zoom discussions and then got the end of September and hadn’t finished the first book.

So I created a Discord account and server and thought we’d chat about the book there. Here’s a link to join.

And, I am suggesting that you get together with your friends and chat about the books.

I’ve created reading guides to help start the conversations (posted here on Medium).

Where Can We Discuss the Book?

For now, we can discuss through the Piloting Your Life FB group and/or through Discord. Here’s a link to join.

Who Can Be a Member?

Anyone who chooses to be kind, polite, curious, supportive, and has an iota of interest in reading.

Even Men?

Yes, even men. Men should be reading these kinds of books too.

Do I Have to Read the (entire) Book to Participate?

Of course not. There will be no judgment or criticism whether you’ve read the book three times, taken notes, and analyzed like an English major or you’ve barely glanced at the cover.

How Does This Work?

Each month I will give the members a choice between three books (or I will just pick one).

Read the book and schedule a time to get together with friends to disscuss.

I was going to do some Zoom discussions but decided to hold off for now.

We can chat about the books in the Piloting Your Life FB group and/or through Discord. Here’s a link to join.

Do You Have Suggestions for Books We May Enjoy Reading?

If you are totally excited about a book we absolutely MUST read, feel free to send me an email at pilotingyourlife@gmail.com or message me on one of the social media platforms listed below.

Will We Be Reading and Discussing Piloting Your Life?

I don’t know. It seems a bit self-serving but if there are requests for it, I will be happy to accommodate. It is a book worth reading more than once in my experience and per some of my biggest fans/readers.

How Do I Opt In to Participate?

I can’t handle another social media account, platform, or mailing list so there won’t really be an opt in other than to RSVP to attend the virutal discussions.

For general communication:

— On Facebook, we will use the Piloting Your Life group.

— On Instagram, we will use the Piloting Your Life account.

— I may record a thing or two on YouTube, so you may want to subscribe there, too.

— And, new to me (and maybe you), Discord.

Where Should I Buy My Books?

I am a big fan of supporting local bookstores, especially women owned, and author websites. I am no longer buying books from Amazon (I have a Nook so my ebooks are from Barnes and Noble). If you have a Kindle, I understand the limitations.

I’ll include some links each time I announce the book of the month. If you have a favorite local or woman owned bookstore, please let me know so I can share the links. (pilotingyourlife@gmail.com)

Speaking of which, I will create a Pinterest page for the books with links there too.

I Have Suggestions Or Questions

If you still have questions and/or suggestions, please drop me a line at pilotingyourlife@gmail.com. This is new and evolving and I’d love to be able to tailor it to what all of you need and want.

What is Piloting Your Life?

Well, it started out as a podcast and then turned into a book and now it’s a movement…for midlife women to take the controls and be the pilots in their own lives. We spent most of our lives taking care of other people, now it’s our time!

As a commercially rated helicopter pilot, all of my branding is around aviation, thus the pilot references. I came up with it in 2017 when I launched my podcast and it has continued to evolve ever since.

If you want a taste of the book, check out the first chapter here.

For more info on me, Terri Hanson Mead, check out my website.



Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.