Piloting Your Life: In-Flight Entertainment (Bring on the Woo Woo) (Apr 24, 2018)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2018


Welcome Back My Inspirational Passengers:

My son Adam on prom night

As I mentioned in episode 50, I am trying to gauge what is interesting to my listeners. I want the podcast to be inspirational, educational, informative, and engaging. Since I don’t do a lot of screening before conducting the interviews, I am often surprised by what comes up in the interviews. A few weeks ago Jacqueline and I were recording several interviews and all of them were leaning more spiritual than business. This caused me some concern in that I wasn’t sure how listeners would react to some of the content and I know that some of it made me somewhat uncomfortable. Some days I am more woo-woo than others and in my professional world I tend to lean away from the woo-woo, thinking that somehow it makes me appear too feminine (aka weaker) and not strong (aka masculine). Last year I spent time with a coach to get more in touch with my feminine and intuitive side as we all need a balance in our lives between the two. My natural tendency is to gravitate towards the masculine but I think it’s more of a learned trait than a natural trait which is why I continue to work on it.

My husband Zeke and our daughter Rachel also on prom night

The universe speaks in interesting ways and on that particular Friday when Jacqueline and I were recording the interviews, my friend Connie stopped by briefly to drop her daughter off at our house to hang out with Rachel. Connie is very spiritual and I have grown to love our conversations as she provides a perspective that is so different from my own. I initially thought that Connie and I couldn’t possibly have anything in common until we got to talking about our books last summer and, since then, we have been able to relate on levels that I previously thought were not possible. So when she came by, I knew she would enjoy my observations on the woo-woo interviews and the conversation (and my observations) inspired her to write about it in her monthly newsletter. She believes that we should all have our own internal angel investors and I think it’s a fabulous idea. It’s a quick but helpful read that may inspire you and fill your soul.

In-Flight Entertainment: Jillian Kaplan
My friend Brian Alvey (Clipisode) suggested that I talk with this week’s guest, Jillian Kaplan. Jillian is based in Massachusetts and believes strongly in creating a message out of a mess. She was struck by a car a few years ago and wasn’t expected to survive let alone walk, have a baby, and inspire others to be their healthiest and happiest selves. She isn’t defined by her accident but she did allow the accident and recovery to inform the way she lives her life. I follow her on Facebook (and consider her a new friend) and she is so full of lovely and inspiring energy that I can’t help but smile and feel better about life every time I see her posts and listen to what she has to say. Plus, because of her, I now get Ipsy on a monthly basis which is a fun (and cheap) thing to look forward to.

As for the pictures this week, I decided to share pics of my husband and kids because they inspire me to be my best possible self every single day. Plus, I just had to share a picture of my son from his Junior prom this past weekend. Forgive a proud mom!

Because you can’t take yourself too seriously: Alyssa (Adam’s girlfriend), Adam, Sam, and Will



Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.