Piloting Your Life: In-Flight Entertainment (Batshit Crazy) (May 26, 2020)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
5 min readMay 26, 2020


Welcome Back My Unbreakable Passengers:

Rei getting some alone time in the tree

Are you struggling to find a comfortable place to be? My second child Rei has taken to climbing trees. Fortunately we have one in our backyard that is serving Rei’s purpose just fine, but Rei is also walking around our city looking for other trees to climb. I’m not sure this is a bad idea and I am glad that Rei has found something to ease the discomfort of this whole situation.

Sophia and her parents in Virginia

It’s day 70 of shelter in place (as I write this) and the cracks are showing in our household. Adam’s (ex) girlfriend Sophia left our home on Sunday morning and made it safely back to Virginia.

I was so happy to get the picture of her with her parents, feeling much relieved that she made it safely to them (3 airplanes, 4 airports, 13 hours of travel and a shit-ton of hand sanitizer!). I know that they are all so happy to be reunited and I am very appreciative of the time she spent with our family. She will not be forgotten.

California poppies during one of my hikes

But back to the cracks. My husband Zeke and I went on a 3.5 mile hike yesterday (downhill only!) with our dog Violet and talked about how we can support the kids right now and for the next year. Rei is a trooper but even they are starting to lose it.

And, Adam? Now that school is out and the weather is nice, he wants to spend time with his friends. We’ve had a few verbal battles as we try to find a safe compromise. I think we got there today…for the moment.

Screenshot of the view from the big house on Necker Island…Thursday virtual yoga

I get it. I want to be with my friends. I want to have people over. I want to go places. I want to be anywhere but here. I especially don’t want to be doing the hard work of parenting right now. Alas, we are being good members of society, limiting access to other people, and (mostly) respecting the sheltering-in-place guidelines.

To limit my angst around my stifled wanderlust, I’ve started two new Pinterest boards to gather information on the BVI (British Virgin Islands…where Necker Island is) and Japan. When I got back from Necker last time, I told Zeke I wanted to bring him to the BVI and he’s game. I have a France 202? board for when Rei and I attempt to go again; our big plans for July have sadly disappeared. Sigh.

I have long been fascinated by Japan but was too anxious about not knowing the language so I didn’t really have it on my travel list. It’s now up at the top. Zeke is open to it so I am thinking that 2022 might be a big travel year for us. Ciao kiddos!

So for now, we will sit tight, do what we can to support others, try not to kill each other, and retain what is left of our sanity, venturing out for hikes in nature to ‘get away’ from it all. Violet (our dog) is not unhappy with the situation. We are truly grateful that this is the worst of what we have to deal with.

YouTube: Terri Mead

YouTube: Batshit Crazy (the cracks are showing)
Since it’s now just the four of us again (me, Zeke, Adam, and Rei), we are adjusting to a ‘new normal,’ whatever the heck that is. We certainly don’t have it figured out but hope that Adam is feeling well enough to go back to work (he needs to get out of the house and have some routine) and maybe Rei will get a job. We can only eat so much sourdough bread and lemon merengue pies! Rei and I chat about almost all of this in today’s video.

YouTube: Not the Freshman Year They Were Looking For
Sophia joined me for a quick conversation about living with us, wanting to go home, and how this was not the freshman year she expected. Was living in Adam’s room like living in a dorm room? Check out Saturday’s video to find out.

What’s my challenge for you today? Dare to dream. Put out into the universe some crazy ideas for what you want to see changed due to COVID-19 and what you want to do once it’s safe to move about the planet.

With much love and gratitude,


P.S. Take the controls and be the pilot in your own life. It’s a beautiful day to fly, and you are cleared for takeoff.

Song: Let’s Go Crazy by Prince

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Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.