Piloting Your Life: In-Flight Entertainment (I’m a Twit) (May 12, 2020)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
5 min readMay 12, 2020


Welcome Back My Health-Conscious Passengers:

Fixings for chile verde, guacamole, and corn salad…fresh fresh fresh

Every Tuesday morning I spend a few hours on this newsletter, finalizing the Tuesday YouTube video, and sharing out on social media. I used to do this on Mondays but I’ve gotten lazy and now have to scramble to get everything done by 9 AM. I’m more creative and energized in the mornings so it’s not a bad way to start my Tuesdays. BTW, it’s now 9:30 and this newsletter isn’t out.

I had to stop for a quick break to gobble down some leftover homemade enchiladas from last night. They were really good and started with all the fresh goodies on the tray in the picture. Poblano and serrano chiles, tomatillos, garlic, and onions. Totally worth the effort. The only non-homemade parts of the dish were the tortillas, Monterey jack cheese, and some pinto beans.

As I immerse myself in my consulting work with biotech companies and get my brain back into all things healthcare, I am spending more time thinking of not only the future of healthcare, but my own health as well.

How many of us have put off or delayed healthcare appointments because of COVID-19?

How many of us are afraid of going into healthcare settings because of COVID-19?

My hand is raised for both.

As I talk about in today’s YouTube video, I am concerned about the health ripple effect associated with this pandemic. Clinical trials have come to a screeching halt for lifesaving therapies.

Research facilities aren’t treating patients and/or aren’t getting the grants or funding to pursue research or support clinical trials (unless it’s related to COVID-19 but even then, there are challenges).

Hospitals are having to lay off staff because they aren’t performing the highly-compensated procedures that support and sustain a lot of healthcare facilities.

And a lot of us aren’t going in for preventive screenings and visits. What does this mean to our health in the short and long terms? I don’t think it’s good.

We are eating in and making most of our meals. We go through a lot of butter but we also go through a lot of produce. While my scale shows me up a few pounds, I am doing yoga daily and know that I am stronger and more flexible.

I’ll be back on the tennis court soon so I will worry about those few pounds in a few weeks. And who would have thought that I could do nearly 7000 steps in a day and not step outside (without using the treadmill either)? Crazy, I know. Oh, and I am drinking a lot of water.

What are you doing to protect your health and preserve your sanity?

Piloting Your Life (the book)
Piloting Your Life (the book) was awarded a Silver in the Inspiration category by IBPA (Independent Book Publisher Awards). As for the IPPY, a big goose egg. I poured us some champagne as we watched (and participated in) the virtual award ceremony.

If you are counting, PYL has been awarded two silver awards (IBPA and Nautilus) and was a finalist for the American Book Fest awards.

I suppose I should update Amazon and Goodreads and add the stickers to the book cover! I’d like to be more proud of all of this but the awards are a bit of a racket…you pay to be considered and then get added to their sales funnels. Hmmm….

Help us get the word out about the book (please!).

We’d love to see pics of the book in the wild. Grab your copy, take a pic, and send it to me via email, text, or post it on social media and tag me @terrihansonmead and #pilotingyourlife.

YouTube: Terri Mead

YouTube: Good Vibrations or Happy Accidents?
Saturday’s episode was a total grab bag. Rei called it a conglomeration. It’s all part of living an integrated life. Champagne and good vibrations? Could a gal ask for more?

YouTube: What a Twit (It’s a Woman Thing)
Today’s video is also a bit of a grab bag with segues. I get warmed up with musings about Mother’s Day and tiaras and slide right into clinical trials and the need for technology in life sciences. Don’t worry, if that bores you, next up is racism, living in a gendered world, and how I seem to be spending too much time on Twitter.

Interest piqued? Check out the video and maybe subscribe so you don’t miss out on Saturday’s video which will be on ????

What’s my challenge for you today? Make a list of things you want to do as we exit our sheltering in place situation and don’t forget the things that are good for your health.

With much love and gratitude,


P.S. Take the controls and be the pilot in your own life. It’s a beautiful day to fly, and you are cleared for takeoff.

Song: Doctor Doctor (Thompson Twins)
Piloting Your Life (the book)
Terri Mead YouTube Channel
Piloting Your Life (the podcast)

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Instagram: @PilotingYourLife

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Facebook Page: Piloting Your Life



Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.