Piloting Your Life: In-Flight Entertainment (Getting Started in Angel Investing) (Mar 6, 2018)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2018


Welcome Back My Angelic Passengers:

New offices at Bolt on Brannan in SF

In a meeting recently I was asked about how I split my time between my various business interests and activities and said that I spend about half of my time on investing related activities. I then did the mental math on how many hours that really is and realized that it is about 30 hours a week which is nearly full-time work for some people. I absolutely love it so it doesn’t feel like work but to be a good investor, I believe that I need to spend time on deal sourcing, reviewing decks/viewing pitches, performing due diligence before I invest, advising and mentoring startups, staying current on the startups I’ve invested in and helping them in any way I can, and staying current on industry trends and news. Fortunately I am insatiably curious, love to learn, and am a natural connector so I am ideally suited for the work (it has become much more than a hobby at this point).

What started out as a two year educational venture has resulted in opportunities I wouldn’t have thought possible prior to jumping into angel investing. I need to give a shout out to my dad (Jim Hanson) for getting me started in investing early so that I met the financial requirements to be an accredited investor and to Stu Soffer for suggesting that I get into angel investing. As an aside, my dad introduced me to aviation and I met Stu through flying helicopters. There’s a theme here for sure!

As for where this leads me, the pieces are coming together to form the picture of what I will become in 2019. Why 2019? Because I’ve been working on this pivot for a while now and Susan Sierota of Waggit strongly encouraged (forced) me to set an end date to the pivot when we saw each other at Startup Grind recently so 12/31/18 it is. (I think I need to go meditate to get my heart to stop pounding!)

In-Flight Entertainment: Getting Started in Angel Investing

Tuesday Episode: Not everyone can spend as much time on startup investing but that doesn’t mean that accredited investors interested in investing in this high-risk asset class can’t be a part of it. So, this week I am launching a series on angel investing. I’ve had a number of requests for more information about what angel investing is, what it means to be an angel investor, what I do as an angel investor, and how to become an angel investor. Each week I plan to release a 10–15 minute episode where I will give listeners a window into how I operate as an angel investor. The goal is to answer the questions through the lens of my experiences. These will be in addition to the regular weekly episodes.



Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.