Piloting Your Life: In-Flight Entertainment (Patience Gets Us Nowhere) (July 30, 2019)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2019


Welcome Back My Impatient Passengers:

Last week I spoke at an event about angel investing, the state of fundraising for female and under represented founders, and the opportunities and challenges therein. It was a small group of women interested in creating their own fundraising plans, aligned with their own goals and values (thank you Jenny Kassan for the opportunity to speak to these inspiring women!).

During the Q&A, one woman, Dr. Pamela Jolly, asked me what I expected it to be like in 15 years. After I mentally stuttered, I shared some thoughts about how I want it to be, with the caveat that it might be far too idealistic but I was going to work toward the vision anyway.

Pamela and I spent some time chatting about how she sees the world and what she’s trying to do to make it better. She challenged me on a few more things before the night was over. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about some of the things she had to say and am taking her advice.

I am writing a thought leadership article titled “15 Years from Now” and am summoning the courage to put some bold and bodacious thoughts and ideas out into the world.

Terri and Tawana

I reached out to my friend Tawana who just accepted a totally amazing new position within her company and she laughed at me when I told her I was scared and anxious about putting my thoughts in writing and out into the world. She said, “So much of what you do makes you look fearless. To hear you have misgivings about this seems so out of character for you. You already speak so much about all of this; you just need to pull it all together.”

She’s absolutely right. One of my daily mantras is ‘be scared and go for it anyway.’

On Friday I read the last two chapters for the audio book (not the last two chapters of the book; just the last two that needed to be recorded) and the irony of the topics was not lost on me. I was reading aloud the exact advice I would give to any other woman in the same position and I had to laugh. I love the universe’s sense of humor; she’s pretty dang funny!

So get out there and be bold, take some action, and have some fun while you are at it! Don’t let your fear get in between you and your own greatness! Shine bright, my friends.


P.S. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. It’s a beautiful day to fly, and we are cleared for takeoff. TM

Piloting Your Life (the podcast)

Song: Patience Gets Us Nowhere (Capital Cities)



Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.