Piloting Your Life: In-Flight Entertainment (What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace, Love and Understanding) (Dec 10, 2019)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2019


Welcome Back My Peaceful Passengers:

It’s Monday morning as I write this. I am working on my second cup of coffee and second Swell bottle of water (the goal is five per day…bottles of water, not cups of coffee). I’ve written my three Morning Pages (by hand) and shredded them to get rid of the noise and clear my head to focus on other more important things with less distraction. Kind of like a mental palate cleanser.

Felix (the cat) assisted me as I did some YouTube guided yoga followed by 20 minutes of stretching and unguided meditation. It’s a bit challenging to yoga around the cat and no, I won’t kick him off the mat.

December has been all about self-care and finding peace within. The daily yoga has been wonderful and I realized yesterday that I’ve really missed it. I don’t miss driving downtown, searching for parking, or wondering what level Happy Hour yoga will be each day so I have created physical space for yoga. It has become #yogawithcatsanddogs but that’s ok. They keep me grounded.

My daily tracker also keeps me grounded and the one pictured is from Silk + Sonder (one of my latest investments). I interviewed the Founder/CEO Meha back in October and, as with most things in my life these days, I am making things work for me, and not for me to work for them. It’s not easy and requires me to be really intentional.

As I continue to plan for 2020 (I did the 2019 and decade recaps last week), I am creating a list of things to keep in mind to make sure that I choose what works for me, what aligns with my values, and how I want to operate in the world. I’ve got six right now: peace, ease, intention, integrity, adventure, and courage.

How is your 2020 planning going? What did you learn from 2019? What do you want more or less of in 2020 and the next decade if you’ve planned that far? I’d love to hear from you.

Piloting Your Life (the book)

I am taking the rest of the month off from most things related to the book including marketing. Although, if someone asks for something like a book club basket, or for me to attend a book club meeting (virtually or in person), or for me to speak at an event, or to buy signed books from me, I am perfectly happy accommodating inbound requests.

In fact, over the weekend, I sold 15 copies of the book to three different people (thank you!), had a request for a book club basket, and got another book club meeting on the calendar for January. And not 20 minutes after I decided to take a break, I came up with an idea for my next book. The universe works in mysterious ways, but, really, it’s time to refresh my creative juices by taking a break.

One last plug. Several women in their thirties said that they think every woman in their age group should be reading Piloting Your Life (the book). So if you are looking to give the thirty-something woman in your life some extra love and inspiration, Piloting Your Life just might be it.

Piloting Your Life (the podcast)

As we wrap up the fall 2019 season of Piloting Your Life (the podcast), it seems fitting that we are ending with a conversation with Crystal Cannon Flores about how death doulas are helping reconnect death and dying with the human experience.

The last interviews of the season have been all about the end of life journey, grieving, and death, topics I didn’t cover in the book largely because I’ve had so little experience with them. An oversight on my part? Not necessarily, and I love having the podcast to dig into these topics and address them in such loving and caring ways.

I’ve heard from several of you that the podcast episodes were timely and incredibly helpful. Thank you for the feedback and for listening. Enjoy my conversation with Crystal who echoed what Emma Payne said in a previous episode: there is joy to be found in death, and a greater desire to live life to the fullest.

I have a few ideas for next season that may tie into my next book in serving not only my Gen X women audience, but the thirty-something women coming up behind us. I wish someone had given me a heads up about what was to come, and how to really thrive as a woman in my thirties. Alas, they did not but maybe we GenXers can. More on this soon.

With much love and thanks,


P.S. Take the controls and be the pilot in your own life. It’s a beautiful day to fly, and you are cleared for takeoff.

Piloting Your Life (the podcast) : Crystal Cannon Flores on death and death doulas.

Song: (What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding (Elvis Costello & the Attractions)

Piloting Your Life

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Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.