Piloting Your Life: In-Flight Entertainment (You’re My Best Friend) (Dec 17, 2019)

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
5 min readDec 17, 2019


Welcome Back My Cheerful Passengers:

We tried cutting out own for the 17th year in a row but ended up at Honey Bear on Woodside Road. We spent way more than we planned but it’s a pretty tree.

We celebrate Christmas in our home where we hunt for Christmas trees, bake lots of cookies, sing Christmas carols, and wish everyone happy holidays so they can celebrate what they celebrate. As our kids have gotten older and we no longer lie to them about Santa, we’ve looked for other ways to celebrate the season during the month of December. We emphasize the spirit of the magic of Christmas (the Santa and joyful version, not the religious version) without all of the consumerism.

Our second child Rei loves this approach while our firstborn Adam is a bit more bah humbuggy. I think it’s because he is 18. To his credit, though, he hasn’t asked for much because he realizes how much he already has. This makes me think we’ve done something right as parents.

We are running out of containers.

So far we (Rei and I) have baked somewhere around 12 dozen cookies and we still have a few more on the list. We had to wait for the rain to stop to make meringues otherwise they end up way too chewy.

Snickerdoodles ready to go into the oven

Which cookies have we baked? Chocolate crinkles, ginger crinkles (a new favorite), snickerdoodles, Mexican wedding cakes, and thumbprints. I am pretty sure we mixed up the wedding cake and snickerdoodle batters, fortunately they are pretty similar and they taste just fine.

Do you bake? What are some of your favorites?

At Mathilde in SF to (not) celebrate Zeke’s birthday and my friend Donna’s before heading to Joelle’s 50th dance party

My husband Zeke turned 50 this week and we didn’t celebrate. He’s not big into birthdays and not only doesn’t care, but really doesn’t want to celebrate (and yes, this has caused friction in our marriage on my birthday). I noticed (and commented) as we were driving up to Sonoma on Sunday that he drove like an old man. He claimed he was conserving the Tesla battery/range.

I sure hope that’s it because I am turning 50 in April and refuse to accept that I will be old. I told him that if he thought of himself as old then he would be going against all of my research for Piloting Your Life (the book) and all that it stands for. He said , ‘what?’ like an old man (imagine Billy Crystal in a movie from the 80s or 90s). I ignored him. He thought he was so funny.

Since I am done investing for the year, I have a bit more free time to focus on things like what I want from 2020. I was struggling with thinking bigger and got a boost of confidence and some ideas on how to get over this mental block (thank you ladies!). I am now on the right track and plan to have it figured out by the end of the month.

I also got a call from an old client who has a project or two which may consume some of my time. I love working with this client; I get to be an advisor and guide and they do the executing. It’s perfect! That reminds me; I need to write a blog post about this (it’s been on my To-Do list for a year).

Piloting Your Life (the book)
I am taking the month of December off from marketing but still managed to ask a Sonoma bookstore to carry it. I am refining my pitch and learning what bookstores want/need from indy authors. Zeke said it sounded good so that’s a plus. I’ll be following up with the bookstore in January, after the Christmas and holiday craziness. This gives me time to design and order a postcard to leave with bookstores.

And, of course, I am reminding you about it here. I have copies here at home and would be happy to sign and send to the women in your life. It’s not too late for me to ship to US and Canadian addresses in time for Christmas (for those who celebrate). Europe may be a bit tough but it’s a great New Year’s gift and I think it might arrive before the end of Hanukkah.

Piloting Your Life (the podcast)
We are taking a break from the podcast for a few weeks and plan to be back with new episodes in January. If you are new to the podcast and missed the Jan-Apr 2019 season on women’s health, now would be a great time to listen to episodes 84–100. Interested in your gut health? Check out my interview with Dr. Samantha Nazareth from last spring. That reminds me, Zeke needs to schedule his colonoscopy (five years late) and I am still procrastinating.

Enjoy the season, however you celebrate it and make sure to spread around some extra joy. If this is a tough time of year for you, I am sending you a virtual hug with an added squeeze for good measure.

With much love and thanks,


P.S. Take the controls and be the pilot in your own life. It’s a beautiful day to fly, and you are cleared for takeoff.

Song: You’re My Best Friend (Queen)

Piloting Your Life

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Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.