Screw It, Let’s Do It (Richard Branson): Takeaways

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2017


I met with a friend of mine yesterday and he asked how my big idea was coming along. I told him I was still researching. He wasn’t happy with this response and said ‘you need to just do it’ and encouraged me to read Richard Branson’s book, Screw It, Let’s Do It. So I listened to it today (somewhat reluctantly) while I was addressing Valentine’s for 325 of our closest friends and business associates (this is the result of being a Connector) and boy am I glad I did. Here are MY major takeaways listening through the lens of being on the cusp of starting something huge (although I would have preferred listening to Richard’s voice…it was odd to have someone else read it).

  1. Just do it
  2. Be bold
  3. Have fun
  4. Challenge yourself
  5. Rely on yourself
  6. Enjoy the moment
  7. Live life fully
  8. Develop a strong support network
  9. Have and show respect
  10. Don’t accept limitations
  11. Be passionate
  12. You have to stretch to grow
  13. Get out there and be yourself; use your brand
  14. Do good
  15. Do it now
  16. Keep it simple
  17. You’ve got to challenge the big guys
  18. Playing small does not serve the world; do not shrink

I realized as I was addressing the Valentines that the picture on the back (of me and my husband) had me wearing the Necker Island visor I got last May. That reminded me to send a Valentine to Richard and Joan and of course I mentioned my new venture, Class Bravo Ventures, as I plan to talk to Richard about it when I head back to Necker in June. We need to pick up on our conversation about entrepreneurialism around the world (and ways to encourage it) which was not the topic of conversation during this photo op but fun nonetheless.

Richard demonstrating how to have fun in May 2016 on Necker (I am in the white shorts indelicately fondling him)



Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.