Swissnex SF: Start Up Pitch Summit 2017

Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2017


Swissnex pitch panel

I was really impressed by the quality of the pitches at the Swissnex SF Start Up Pitch Summit in San Francisco last week. Thirteen founders pitched their companies in 3 minutes and the members of the pitch panel (pictured above) were given 3 minutes (total) to ask questions and give feedback. As usual, I was the token female (but the other panelists were really smart and nice and probably kinder to the founders than I was).

I need to learn to look less intense but what the other panelist was saying was really interesting

The three standouts were the three female founders. And contrary to the initial announcement that the ‘king’ of the evening would be crowned (I quickly and loudly added ‘or queen’) the winner was female founder and had a product I could have used last week during my Google Hangout meetings. The company is Catch-Eye and helps to adjust your eyes to better connect with folks on the other side of your video call.

Piavita was another company pitched by a female founder. This was pretty interesting in that they had a vital signs monitor for animals, starting with horses.

The final pitch by a female founder was for Pryv and is something my life sciences clients could use. It helps companies that need to comply with data privacy rules (like HIPAA or the EU regulations).

It was a gorgeous night in SF and I was thrilled to meet the founders, the other panelists, and to have the support of fellow Sand Hill Angel Marko Gargenta. It was definitely worth sitting in traffic to attend this event.

Exploratorium from across the water from Swissnex SF



Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.