TerriaJS Bug Bash

Kevin Ring
Published in
1 min readMar 1, 2018

We’re holding the first ever TerriaJS BUG BASH on Monday, 5 March between 10am and 2pm (or later) Sydney time (UTC+11).

Join us for the TerriaJS Bug Bash, and you’ll be as cool as this bug. Image courtesy Mike Keeling https://flic.kr/p/3aTeK5

The idea is to set aside a solid block of time where everyone gets together and fixes all the little “paper cuts” that add up to make TerriaJS not quite as awesome as it could be. We’ll be furiously addressing the low-hanging fruit and will focus on reviewing and merging all changes as quickly as possible.

Want to join in? Even if you’ve never worked on TerriaJS before, you’ll be able to join in the fun. If you’re in Sydney or Canberra, drop me a line and you can join the TerriaJS developers in person. Otherwise, join us on WebEx.

Even if you can’t join us live, consider taking a look at the GitHub issues marked Bug Bash and give your favourites a +1. Or, if you have another issue in mind that you think is good Bug Bash material, write an issue for it and add a note saying so.

