TerriaJS v6.1.3–3D, Ion and More

Kevin Ring
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2018

TerriaJS v6.1.3 is now available! Since v6.0.2, the last release announced here, we moved to Cesium World Terrain by default. We also added support for terrain and imagery from Cesium Ion.

Looking across Sydney Harbour from North Head.

And we added support for Cesium 3D Tiles, which enables visualization of very cool 3D datasets like this model of Sydney from aero3dpro.

3D model of Sydney created by aero3dpro.

There is also a nice UI tweak in this release. The “Hide Workbench” button was previously way over on the right side of the screen, far away from the Workbench itself (the panel on the left). In this release, we’ve moved it to its proper place on the right edge of the Workbench, which we hope will make it much more discoverable.

Improved placement of the “Hide Workbench” button.

Finally, we’ve fixed some important bugs in release, including one that caused the layer order to be lost when visiting a share link. See the full changelog for all the details.

As always, find us on Gitter, Twitter, or Google Groups if you have any questions or comments.

