TerriaJS v8.1.0–21 releases

Ana Belgun
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2022

Dear TerriaJS community, a lot has happened since our v8.0.0 launch last August. As usual, we’ve been quite busy developing and releasing new things. We’re keen to broadcast news about latest features more often and invite you to comment on the current developments as they happen. A big shout-out to our community contributors Moises Herrera, Zoran Kokeza, Russell Grew and many others for their support with the TerriaJS forum, translations and code contributions.


The latest releases introduce new or enhanced features, which we hope will help users better interact with the data on your TerriaJS platforms. See the changelog for a full list of updates in the last 20! releases since August 2021.

In case you missed it, we have a Terria user guide which lists everything a Terria platform can currently do: https://userguide.terria.io/. It is a guide for users navigating Terria Maps and Terria Digital Twins. For developer guides, the link is: https://docs.terria.io/guide/.

New or enhanced features

3D opacity slider — A big thank you to our contributor Moises Herrera who initiated the development of the opacity slider. Users can now overlay Cesium 3D tiles over live sensor data feeds, making it easier to change the transparency of reality meshes or buildings for an optimal experience.

Clip and ship v2.0 — TerriaJS support for the WCS protocol now includes native resolution export. Here are the instructions on how to use the new version. This is especially helpful for exporting satellite imagery for a particular area of interest.

Printing v2.0 — Yes, you heard it right! Printing maps is still a thing and users have been asking for a while for an improved printing functionality. We didn’t go overboard, but we are offering now image download and a cleaner printing preview interface which allows users to collapse or extend metadata sections as needed.


Translation of TerriaJS into 19 languages is in progress using the Weblate platform! Catalan, Czech, French, Italian, Japanese and Portuguese leading the way with more than 90% of TerriaJS translated.

TerriaJS Feb 2022 dashboard on Weblate

Other highlights

  • Improved handling of TerriaMap init files in v8. Big thanks to our community member Florian Mayer for the reminder 😊
  • New version of Map Navigation (amazing work by our contributor Zoran Kokeza).
  • Better mobile support especially for phones.
  • Better support for SDMX — JSON by improving data visualisation through a Z-score filter (outlier filter) and time disabled for sparse datasets.
  • Better support for SOS protocol.
  • Added Mapbox Vector Tile support using protomaps.js.
  • Improved our CKAN support for data formats such as ArcGIS Map and Feature services, shapefiles; by removing duplications and prioritising CKAN resources (picking best format for particular datasets).
  • Improved GeoJSON support for better legends and variables’ filters.
  • Improved error handling, especially the messages.

What’s next

Story v2.0 — We’re working on releasing a new version of Stories with a focus again on mobile support.

Compare v2.0 — The map splitter will be renamed the “Compare” functionality, with the new design approaching the feature as a “workflow”. It allows the user to focus on the comparison task without being distracted by too many actions, colours and pop-ups. Check out the demo video of Compare v2.0 and let us know if you have any comments in our Discussion Forum.

Share you story!

Have you done a project using TerriaJS? The community is interested to hear about it and we’re happy to promote it. Send us your stories and we’ll share them on our channels.


The Terria team



Ana Belgun
Editor for

Project Manager working at CSIRO Data61 for TerriaJS