The Bug Bash and TerriaJS v5.6.2

Kevin Ring
Published in
2 min readMar 13, 2018

Last week, we held the first TerriaJS bug bash. We all got together and made a whole bunch of small improvements to TerriaJS. While each impovement might be relatively small by itself, they all added up to a nice new release, available today, v5.6.2!

Some fun stats:

  • People bashing bugs: 13
  • New, first-time contributors: 3
  • Issues updated: 31
  • Pull requests opened: 19
  • MacBook Pros present: 10
  • Times master was broken by an over-enthusiastic merge: 1

In addition to a whole bunch of great bug fixes and documentation improvements, I want to call attention to a significant feature added by our resident Kubernetes expert, Alex Gilleran, during the bug bash. We now have documentation and scripts for easily deploying TerriaMap to a Kubernetes cluster!

After the bug bash, we also leveraged this to do automatic deployment of all TerriaJS branches. For example, a version of TerriaMap built with the latest master version of TerriaJS can now always be found at This will make it much easier to review smaller pull requests without the need to build the changes locally.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who took time out of their day to participate in the bug bash! See the changelog for the complete list of bug fixes and improvements in TerriaJS v5.6.2.

