Parker Lee
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2021


Today’s global markets demand continuous innovation and agility.

Organizations must adapt and address changing business needs or risk their sustainability and relevancy.

Territory helps you instill new ways of working that allow your people to increase effectiveness, unlock performance, and rise to today’s critical challenges.

Five core principles drive our work

Focus on people

People are at the center of every organization. Whether working with customers, employees, or partners, understanding different points of view, motivations, and values, helps to generate ideas and solutions that genuinely resonate with your intended audience.

Work visually

People have an amazing capacity to learn visually. We use imagery and storytelling to break down complexity, create understanding, and open new paths to creativity.

Collaborate and co-create

Building things together helps everyone understand not just what they’re doing, but also, why. They begin as participants and leave as advocates.

Evolve and improve

Continuous improvement is the mantra of today’s agile business environment. A bias toward action ensures we are continually putting forth ideas and assumptions to be tested and validated, so we’re always working toward a better solution.

Mind the system

What works best for one group doesn’t always work for another. When pursuing solutions, we seek input and insight from impacted stakeholders to better understand the potential effects. This creates a clear, shared understanding of needs, which leads to better, more realizable solutions with far less resistance to adoption.

We’re your guide

We’ll help you navigate your organizational challenges, help your people truly understand their changing landscape, and chart a course for you to reach promising new territory.

Get in touch



Parker Lee

A design thinking strategist and co-author of The Art of Opportunity, I work with clients to solve complex problems.