A Theory About Mental Illness.

There is so much of it about now.


Unhappiness has spread wide in our age. Pixabay

Both my mother and my brother were seriously mentally ill. For whatever reason, my sister and I escaped it. I’ve had numerous tests throughout my life, and not once has any doctor or professional picked up mental illness. It also took until my late 60s to determine the problem was Asperger’s. My sister danced through it all — not a stitch of anything — perfectly normal and a great life!

As it happens, I started reading psychology books in 1966, about six months before I turned 15. I was fascinated, and the interest continued until I had read some 600 books in similar genres — neurology, psychology, and self-help. Of course, there was also the practical experience that I was exposed to in having damaged people around me.

What is mental illness?

When I was young, that wording wasn’t around. You were mad or bats or crazy or sick, insane, or a load of other labels. It also had nothing to do with emotions. It was simply to do with the way one saw life. If one saw elephants where nobody else did, then you were nuts. If you drew the conclusion that it was a good thing to go on a killing spree, then you were criminally insane.

At some point, the language changed and any mental issue was referred to as mental illness. With that…



Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.
Tessa’s Web-log

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.