Is Multiculturism in the UK Doing Well?

It seems that the country is being ripped apart, or is that just the media?


Can multiculturism work? Pixabay

We’ve all seen too many prime ministers step up to the position in the UK during the past eight years — ever since David Cameron stepped down in 2016. Perhaps, he should have stayed on — after all, he was the one who called for the referendum on Brexit.

It appears that Scotland now has the same problem. First Nicola Sturgeon resigned her position — it seemed that her bill removing a medical requirement for gender transition, and then the enquiries into where all the money of the SNP went, forced her out. She was replaced by Humza Yousaf, a Muslim. The legislation making it hate speech and cause for arrest for someone to say that a transwoman was a man had the country up in arms. Then in a follow up, he ditched the targets for emissions to be lowered by 2030. He thought it unrealistic. The Greens disagreed…

Yousaf, whose pro-independence party has been weakened by a campaign finance scandal and divisions over transgender rights, was brought down by his decision to oust the Green Party from his governing coalition because of differences over climate change goals. He was unable to persuade other parties to back his minority government in Scotland’s regional parliament. Source



Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.
Tessa’s Web-log

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.