Politics No Longer Knows Right From Wrong

Humanity lost the plot because nobody knows how to work out right from wrong.


It doesn’t matter where I’ve been or what I’ve been going through, right and wrong have always mattered to me. Own photos.

Religion had had several good points — it created communities, and it kept people from overstepping boundaries. Some religions were better than others, but as they are all manmade, sooner or later, as the realization came about that there was no god, those rules fell apart. While the horrific evils of stoning people to death was no longer tolerated, it also became easier to lie, to steal, to be corrupt, and not to recognize when actions would lead to the destruction of society or civilization.

It’s fair to say that in the Christian world, Christian morality ruled. It wasn’t perfect, but it had some good things — work, don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t murder, be polite, kind, and study to show yourself approved. Give to the poor, don’t get drunk, get married and stay married, and so on, and so forth. On the foundations of this religion, the Europe and the British Empire progressed.

There was a fair understanding of what was right and what was wrong, albeit some of it was downright horrendous. Inquisitions, out-casting young women who got pregnant, executing gays, and more.

My point is that there was some sort of morality. Even if people were told what was right and what was…



Tessa Schlesinger Global Atheist Am Yisrael Chai.
Tessa’s Web-log

Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.