Real Reasons for Current Societal Breakdown

Umair Haque has it wrong — it’s not economic.


Me, Pacific Beach, San Diego, in my late 50s. Own picture.

Yesterday, while on Twitter (now X), I saw a post from Umair Haque leading to a piece he wrote. In it, he put forth the idea (with complete certainty) that the reason for the current societal breakdown was because there were now so many people who were poor.

I suppose, when you only have economic degrees, that is how you see everything. However, Haque was born in the early 80s which means he never lived through the Great Depression or the times during WWII when people in the UK were on rations. Nor did he see the ‘poor whites’ of South Africa, the Afrikaner Boers live hand to mouth for generations.

Many societies and communities have been poor throughout history. That did not equate with the societies becoming criminal, lost, silly, without values, etc.

One of the causes of the west’s current breakdown goes back to the 60s — when some very silly people wanted to create a better world, and they thought that not judging people, or making them strive so hard academically, would make the world a better place.

One of the causes of the west’s current breakdown goes back to the 60s — when some very silly people wanted to create a…



TessaSchlesinger Maverick Apolitical Atheist World
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Complexity is never easy to explain, and far too many stick to black and white, and forget about the colors and the greys.