The Safest Places and Countries to Live During Climate Change…
And some news about my new website…
For the past few days, I’ve been thinking about our coming days as climate change affects us more and more. So I examined the many different lists (and there are many) of supposedly safe countries and places. My own opinion is that there is probably no place that is absolutely safe, only some that are more safe than others.
As I have a new website to write stories on, I am giving that pride of place, and I have published the story there.
My climate change stream will always be free as I consider this a service to humanity, so you can sign up and read without payment. There is no paywall. Of course, I still have to survive, and so I would hope that some would be kind enough to donate to my Ko-fi page.
For what it’s worth, I have 1050 stories published here, and I am currently earning about $1 per day.