Maneuvering through the Unpredictable: Disaster Recovery in Tessell

Bakul Banthia
Tessell DBaaS
3 min readMar 8, 2024


In today’s digital age, having a foolproof disaster recovery plan is non-negotiable. Tessell, a cutting-edge database management platform, has revolutionized this critical aspect, transforming disaster recovery from a mere checkbox to an actionable, robust solution that ensures the safety and accessibility of critical data amid various threats.

Understanding Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery is not just a policy but a vital strategy tailored to prepare for and tackle data emergencies with precision and speed. Tessell significantly elevates these efforts with its 1-click, automated, cross-region disaster recovery, minimizing data loss and operational downtime.

The Significance of Disaster Recovery

  • Data as a Business Cornerstone: Data is the lifeblood driving core business functions and influencing strategic decisions. Losing this vital resource can lead to financial losses and tarnish your brand’s reputation.
  • The True Cost of Downtime: Downtime is not only a nuisance but a significant hit to productivity and profit. An effective disaster recovery plan significantly reduces downtime, keeping business processes flowing smoothly.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to data protection regulations is not just good practice; it’s often a legal mandate. Non-compliance could lead to severe penalties and legal issues.

Tessell’s Proactive Disaster Recovery

Tessell’s platform encapsulates a comprehensive, preventative approach to safeguarding your data:

  • Automated Backups: Tessell’s preventative magic starts with automatic continuous backups not just of production databases but also of secondary environments. This ensures round-the-clock protection across a range of data formats.
  • Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR): Roll back the clocks with Tessell’s PITR capabilities, allowing you to recover data to the exact moment before a disaster had struck.
  • High Availability: Leveraging a Multi-AZ architecture for high resilience, Tessell maintains service availability by automatically rerouting operations during disruptions.
  • Rapid Failover: Tessell’s quick failover mechanisms activate with precision during a crisis, ensuring minimal disturbance to your business continuity.
  • Data Consistency: Real-time data replication across zones means your backup database is always current and reliable when you need it the most.

But what truly sets Tessell apart is its revolutionary approach to disaster recovery within the broader context of database management, which for many systems remains an untested hypothesis. In contrast, Tessell brings disaster recovery into the core operations of its service, pairing it with automated systems that are regularly and rigorously verified.

Tessell’s Disaster Recovery in Practice

  • Proactive Stance: Tessell perpetually scans the horizon for potential threats with vigilant monitoring and assures your defenses are up with automatic backups.
  • Instantaneous Response: The moment disaster rears its ugly head, the system’s instantaneous response is already working to counteract any effects.
  • Smooth Recovery: With Tessell’s PITR, the echoes of unforeseen events are silenced, allowing for a swift and seamless recovery process.


Tessell not only stands as a paragon of disaster recovery with its innovative solutions like automated backups and 1-click failover, but it also redefines what business continuity looks like in an unpredictable landscape. It’s more than just a contingency plan; it’s a testament to Tessell’s revolutionary approach to database management. Welcome to a new era of reliability and resilience, welcome to Tessell, where uncertainty meets preparedness.

