Revolutionizing Customers’ Open-Source Database Journeys with Tessell’s Leading-Edge DBaaS Platform

Bakul Banthia
Tessell DBaaS
4 min readApr 29, 2024



Data is the lifeblood of every organization, driving decision-making, innovation, and growth. As businesses increasingly rely on open-source databases to manage their data, the need for scalable, high-performance, and cost-effective solutions has never been more critical. Enter Tessell, a pioneer in Database as a Service (DBaaS), whose cutting-edge platform is revolutionizing and modernizing the open-source database journeys of its customers. In this blog, we’ll explore how Tessell’s DBaaS platform is transforming the database landscape through real-world use cases from Forbes, Aurionpro, and Lightning eMotors.

Tessell’s DBaaS Platform: A Closer Look

At the heart of Tessell’s offerings lies its state-of-the-art DBaaS platform. Crafted with the modern business landscape in mind, this platform stands on the foundation of advanced cloud technology and innovative architecture. Tessell delivers a comprehensive suite of features and capabilities designed to elevate organizational database performance, guarantee high availability, and facilitate effortless scaling to accommodate growing data demands. With a dedication to simplicity, reliability, and efficiency, Tessell’s DBaaS platform redefines database management — eliminating complexities and liberating resources so that teams can focus on more strategic tasks.

Key Features and Capabilities

Tessell’s DBaaS platform boasts a range of features and capabilities that set it apart in the market:

  1. Multi-Cloud Architecture: Tessell harnesses the the formidable capabilities of premier cloud providers including Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Microsoft Azure, to offer a robust multi-cloud architecture. This strategic approach not only enhances flexibility and scalability but also bolsters resilience. It empowers organizations to deploy their databases across multiple cloud environments, achieving unparalleled performance and redundancy.
  2. Leveraging NVMe Compute Shapes for High-Performance Databases: Tessell’s patented technology introduces a harmonious hybrid storage system that encapsulates the best features of both local and cloud storage, all without the burden of excessive costs. Through advanced synchronization techniques, Tessell ensures real-time data synchronization between cloud-based ephemeral NVMe storage and persistent cloud counterparts, thereby safeguarding data integrity without incurring additional expenses for the millions of IOPS enabled.
  3. Live Migration: Tessell’s live migration capabilities facilitate seamless transitions from on-premises databases to the cloud, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity. This feature was instrumental for organizations like Aurionpro, enabling them to migrate their databases quickly and efficiently in response to unexpected events.
  4. Intuitive Self-Service Onboarding: Ease of access and database management simplicity are inherent in Tessell’s intuitive self-service onboarding process. This capability demystifies the traditionally complex and technical process of database onboarding and provisioning. It proved invaluable for Lightning eMotors, allowing their IT team to explore Tessell’s platform independently and create production databases effortlessly.
  5. Daily Data Backups: Tessell’s automated, continuous snapshotting ensures that organizations have robust disaster recovery capabilities, with the ability to roll back to any transaction within a specified timeframe. This feature provided peace of mind for Lightning eMotors, knowing that their critical data was protected against loss or corruption.
  6. Advanced Monitoring and Auto-Scaling: Tessell’s platform offers advanced monitoring and auto-scaling capabilities, allowing organizations to monitor database performance in real-time and automatically scale resources to meet demand. This feature was crucial for Forbes, enabling them to optimize utilization and reduce costs while maintaining performance benchmarks.

Real-World Success Stories

Forbes, Aurionpro, and Lightning eMotors are just a few examples of organizations that have benefited from Tessell’s DBaaS platform.

Forbes: Maximizing Performance While Cutting Costs

Forbes, the renowned global media company, faced the significant challenge of rebalancing costs while maintaining performance benchmarks for its SQL server database estate. Tessell’s DBaaS platform offered the perfect solution, enabling Forbes to optimize utilization, reduce costs, and enhance performance. By leveraging multi-cloud architecture and conducting comprehensive workload analysis, Tessell helped Forbes achieve impressive results, including a 42%-50% decrease in query times and over 25% cost savings compared to their legacy environment. Furthermore, Forbes achieved heightened compliance and improved developer productivity. Tessell’s DBaaS platform provided Forbes with flexibility in operating systems and versions, aligning perfectly with their technology stack requirements.

Aurionpro: Ensuring High Availability and Scalability

Aurionpro Solutions, a global technology solutions leader, needed to migrate its PostgreSQL database to the cloud following a fire scare incident. Tessell’s DBaaS platform offered the perfect solution, ensuring high availability, scalability, and disaster recovery capabilities. With Tessell’s live migration capabilities, intuitive self-service onboarding, and daily data backups, Aurionpro was able to seamlessly transition its database to the cloud without any disruptions. The result? Improved customer satisfaction, increased repeat bookings, and a 50% reduction in hardware costs, showcasing the transformative impact of Tessell’s platform on Aurionpro’s database journey.

Lightning eMotors: Empowering Real-Time Reporting and Data Management

Lightning eMotors, a provider of zero-emission vehicle solutions, faced the challenge of migrating its MySQL database to the cloud and ensuring real-time reporting capabilities as its fleet and customer base expanded. Tessell’s DBaaS platform provided the perfect solution, offering high performance, scalability, and intuitive data management capabilities. With Tessell’s live migration, self-service onboarding, and daily data backups, Lightning eMotors was able to seamlessly migrate its database to the cloud and empower real-time reporting for its customers. The result? Improved service performance, enhanced availability, and increased customer satisfaction, showcasing the transformative power of Tessell’s platform on Lightning eMotors’ database journey.


The shift towards open-source databases calls for solutions that are not only scalable, but also high-performing and cost-effective. Tessell’s leading-edge DBaaS platform is redefining the database management landscape, spearheading modernization efforts across various industries. The experiences of Forbes, Aurionpro, and Lightning eMotors spotlight Tessell’s capability in driving significant innovation, operational efficiencies, and success in today’s competitive database arena. With Tessell, businesses can confidently look forward to a future where managing vast volumes of data is simplified, securing their growth and innovation potential for years to come.

