SoapUI — API Request Response chaining with XML

Manul Wickramanayaka
Test Automation Hub
3 min readJun 17, 2021


Extracting XML Response and use it in the next API Request (SOAP API)

This article shows how to extract value from an XML Response in a SOAP API and use the value in any other subsequent API Requests in SoapUI

For the WSDL URL, let's take a sample web service for Calculator

Request1: Add Request (Take two values, Add them and pass the value as a Response)

Request2: Multiply Request (Take two values, Multiply them and pass the value as a Response)

Add the above API Requests to the TestCase By creating a TestSuite

We are going to pass the Response of ADD API as the Request of the first node in the Multiply API.

This can be done in two ways…

1. Using Property Transfer
2. Using Groovy Script

1. Property Transfer

Right Click on the ADD API and add a Property Transfer step.
Make sure this place between the two APIs because it's changing the API values in the process.

