Digital Ownership in Gaming: Understanding the Evolving Landscape

Jeron Artest
Test Jar Labs
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2023

The rise of the digital age has brought about a paradigm shift in various industries, including gaming. Digital ownership in gaming refers to the ability of players to possess and control virtual assets within a game, ranging from in-game items to entire accounts. However, digital ownership in gaming is a complex issue, fraught with challenges that stem from the lack of legal frameworks, ownership ambiguity, and the prevalence of fraud.

The gaming industry has traditionally relied on the concept of licensing, where gamers purchase the right to access and use the game’s content but not to own it. However, the emergence of digital marketplaces, such as Steam and GOG, has enabled gamers to purchase in-game items, which has sparked debates on ownership rights. Some gamers argue that they should have the right to own their virtual assets, just like they own physical assets, and that game publishers should be held accountable for protecting their property.

One of the main challenges of digital ownership in gaming is ownership ambiguity. In traditional ownership, ownership rights are clear and unambiguous, whereas, in digital ownership, the lines are blurred. This is because digital assets are intangible and can be easily replicated, leading to ownership disputes.

Another challenge of digital ownership in gaming is the prevalence of fraud. Because virtual assets can be easily replicated, gamers can fall victim to fraudsters who sell counterfeit items or steal their accounts. The lack of legal frameworks makes it difficult for gamers to seek legal redress when such incidents occur.

Despite these challenges, the emergence of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has opened up new possibilities for digital ownership in gaming.

Gaming and NFTs: A Match Made in Heaven?

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are digital tokens that represent unique assets or collectibles, such as art, music, and now, gaming assets. NFTs are built on blockchain technology, which ensures their authenticity and traceability. NFTs have gained traction recently, with some artworks selling for millions of dollars.

In gaming, NFTs have the potential to revolutionize ownership. NFTs enable gamers to own unique virtual assets, such as rare weapons, skins, and characters. This means that gamers can buy, sell, and trade their virtual assets just like physical assets. NFTs also enables game publishers to create scarcity by limiting the supply of virtual assets, which can increase their value.

Moreover, NFTs can solve some of the challenges of digital ownership in gaming. Because NFTs are built on blockchain technology, they cannot be replicated or counterfeited, which ensures authenticity. NFTs enable clear ownership frameworks by recording ownership transfers on a public ledger. This means that gamers can prove ownership of their virtual assets and seek legal redress in case of ownership disputes.

How NFTs can Revolutionize Ownership in Games

NFTs have the potential to revolutionize ownership in games by introducing a new paradigm of ownership where gamers can truly own their virtual assets. NFTs enable gamers to own unique, scarce, and valuable virtual assets, which they can trade, sell or hold as investments. This creates new economic opportunities for gamers, who can monetize their gaming skills and virtual assets.

Moreover, NFTs enable game publishers to create new revenue streams. By selling virtual assets as NFTs, game publishers can earn a percentage of the transaction fees generated from selling virtual assets on secondary markets. This incentivizes game publishers to create high-quality virtual assets that are valuable and desirable to gamers.

NFTs also enables game publishers to implement new gameplay mechanics. For example, game publishers can create games where NFTs are used as in-game currency, where gamers can earn NFTs by completing in-game quests, or where NFTs represent ownership of virtual land. This creates new gaming experiences and incentivizes gamers to invest more time and money into the game.

Moreover, NFTs can create a sense of community and social interaction among gamers. By owning rare and valuable virtual assets, gamers can show off their achievements to other gamers and create a sense of pride and exclusivity. This creates a new social dynamic in games, where gamers can form communities based on their shared interests in virtual assets.

Overall, NFTs have the potential to revolutionize ownership in games by introducing new economic opportunities, revenue streams, gameplay mechanics, and social dynamics. As the gaming industry continues to grow and evolve, NFTs are poised to play a significant role in shaping the future of gaming ownership.

At Test Jar Labs, we see NFTs as a means to achieve our goal of promoting social connectivity and fostering strong communities. We believe that NFTs are an emerging technology that can unify different digital ecosystems and enhance our collective experiences with digital collectibles.






Jeron Artest
Test Jar Labs

Founder of Test Jar Labs. Studying game design at USC.