Juggling Success

Staff Writer
Test Staff Writing Mag
1 min readAug 9, 2016

When first walking in, it it’s just another unimpressive gym — plain white walls, black mats on the floor, and various supplies stacked haphazardly on the side. But as the silks are unraveled from their moorings and the lyras and bars swing forward from their restraints, the room instantly transforms into something much more magical than a gym. Seeing the sky blue silk flow from the ceiling into a puddle on the floor, it’s difficult to believe this is the same room as before.

“There’s no other person in the world that does what I do,” says Ernst, “I have a whole comedy variety show, and I’m a solo female performer. Very, very, very rare.”

Billing herself as a “kinetic entertainer” and a “one-woman Cirque du Soleil,” Ernst has found success in her unusual profession. She began juggling in middle school, then made money as a street performer, learning fire manipulation to better impress the crowds. But Ernst is unique among the world of professional entertainers. “There’s no other person in the world that does what I do,” says Ernst, “I have a whole comedy variety show, and I’m a solo female performer. Very, very, very rare.”

Oregon Coast, 2016



Staff Writer
Test Staff Writing Mag

Drake University Magazine Staff Writing class, Fall 2019