
Adrian Benko
Published in
Jan 9, 2022

Welcome to TestAutonation

TestAutonation.com is a space where Software Testers, QA Engineers, Software Developers, and anyone with interest in anything related to Software Testing create, share and discuss exclusive content for the Software Testing community.

Our primary aim for starting testautonation.com is to not only create a one-of-a-kind knowledge-sharing platform but also engage one another with past experiences and insights into the latest technologies.

We will start by releasing a series of blog posts but would like to organize MeetUps, Podcasts, Courses/tutorials, and conferences in the future. The difference from other “communities” is that with TestAutonation anyone can write a blog post, course/tutorial, or give a speech under the TestAutonation name.

So stay tuned for any surprises we have planned for the Testing Nation.

Originally published at https://testautonation.com.



Adrian Benko

Adrian spent 10+ years as a QA, he's passionate about education, and he used to teach at universities in Budapest about Test Automation.