Test.ai Has a New Look

Published in
3 min readApr 29, 2019

Tl;dr: We’re still test.ai. We’re just updating our logo, so keep calm and test on.

The Change

As you may have noticed, we look different. And you might be asking why the change? Well, the number one reason is that the previous logo looked generic. Yep, we said it.

If you do a google image search for ‘AI’, you’ll see this neural network pattern repeated over and over.

It also happens that, at this moment, every new Linkedin profile has a background image of a similar pattern. While many of these images and variations do look pretty cool, we felt like we could do better.

Even with our old logo, sometimes, people would think we were a scientific lab testing company. Given that the logo could look like a molecule, that was a fair conclusion. Overall, it was fairly bland and gave a misleading idea as to what we do here at test.ai. In case you need a reminder, this was our old one:

Now this is our new one:

And here’s an animated version of the mark:

We’re not going to go into all the minutiae of the design and the reasoning behind it, but what we will say is that we feel this one feels like us. We’re moving testing into its next phase with our automated platform and want to help teams scale test automation.

What Next?

Our facelift doesn’t end here. Over the coming weeks, you’ll be seeing massive changes to our website. Massive, useful changes. What sort of changes?

You’ll be able to:

  • Browse some of the mobile apps we’ve tested
  • Explore common tests run across apps
  • View lots and lots of screenshots

So sign up for our mailing list to get notified when it’s up! You won’t want to miss it.

— Jason Arbon, CEO at test.ai

