Customer Happiness and Tested

Pranav Lakherwal
Tested Healthcare
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2018

Ever since our inception, Tested healthcare has been consumed with providing the ‘happiest’ service to all our customers.

While this does sound quite subjective, we have over time come to objectify our focus on quality and customer fulfilment. Here we are sharing some of our success stories, some unintended decisions that led to favourable results and some snippets of delighted customers!

Ajay, our super enthusiastic member of the customer care team, tagging along our technician to their routine bookings

“Empathy is being concerned about the human being, not just their output.” — Simon Sinek

Empathy is stressed upon, empathy is discussed, empathy is regularly brought up in almost all our team meetings, while this sounds like overkill, we believe true customer relationships can only be built by emphasising on it.
Again, and again.

We also run some hands-on initiatives to increase understanding, self-awareness and stakeholder-realities for our executives:

  • Our customer care executives actually go for home-collection bookings with technicians(phlebotomists) on a random basis. This has made them more aware of the ground-realities of the industry, far more eloquent and confident in dealing with day-to-day customer queries as well.
A usual day with our technician ends at the local diagnostic centre, where we methodologically submit the samples
  • Heavy focus is laid on collecting feedback, Tested deploys a multi-channel feedback system, that works by collecting stakeholder feedback at various checkpoints in our customer flow. From the time of the first booking-call, to subsequent emails, the post-completion feedback survey, everything is monitored and relentlessly implemented.
Our quality management interface allows the Operations team to make in-depth analysis from multiple-channels, infer and execute immediate quality-centric decisions
  • We love phone calls ❤. While majority of our focus has been on building sustainable technology that automates every major decision over-time, our team sticks to the basics when it comes to customer-communication. Whether it is your queries on reports, booking-slot requests or just a routine price-check, we prioritise phone calls and personalised messaging. Even the calls that are unfortunately missed, all calls on waiting and all queries coming through other virtual channels are immediately addressed with a call-back to your phone, by our dedicated customer support team!
  • Our technicians are trained from the very beginning to stay true to their values and demonstrate integrity at all times, especially when they make a mistake. We embrace failure, we understand that there are days when anything we do will not yield the desired results, where customers’ mood will be foul, the weather relentless and the traffic frustrating.
  • Our partnership agreement comes with scheduled-partner visits. Our senior executive team makes a visit to ‘every’ collection centre, of every partner lab/hospital/institution, once every 15 days to appraise our clients of recent technology updates, SOP changes and good ol’ round of feedback-ing.
  • We believe our technicians are the finest representation of their peer-professionals, they inspire trust and deliver warmth with every visit. Their ownership extends the annals of their own profession, and embodies the conviction of a doctor and the care of your local nurse. Our dream, is to establish an unshakeable, honourable image for all the technicians in every medical community.
Rahmath’s story is a testimony to his character and problem solving abilities. We love him!

We do have an immense scope of improvement, something we believe will further improve customer satisfaction, over time.

- We are currently prototyping a new means of transporting our samples, with enhanced temperature/air pressure tracking and greater transparency in the user-experience
- We are constantly striving to improve our existing response rate, something that has been a challenge, and keeps us on our toes
- There still is a lot left in the field of customer-education and awareness. We want our customers and clients to remain on-top of recent discoveries, changes and differences in the Local/National/International Healthcare market.
- We are also testing our technology to provide greater control and flexibility to all our client-labs in every partnership.

Our technicians are trained from the very beginning to stay true to their values and demonstrate integrity at all times, especially when they make a mistake.

happy customers can be measured, happy customers can be gauged, these are people who ring our hotline and ask for a specific customer care executive by name. These are folks who have blessed us with a repeat-booking rate of over 70% (almost 70% of our daily bookings come from old/repeat patients). These are well-wishers, critical thinkers whose timeless feedback has helped our NPS rise above 50, and consistently stay there over the past 2 years.
If you want to know more about how we do it or have feedback/anything else to say, feel free to write in!
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