Our beginning

Pranav Lakherwal
Tested Healthcare
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2017

Tested is the brainchild of Anuj Khanna, Luvieen Alva and a one Angad Atwal.

This is also, one of the most assorted gathering of co-founders in our known vicinity. The first, represents the astute traditions of Varanasi, with a tinge of Hyderabadi zing, the second is an amalgamation of Mangalorean culture, Goan vibes and a Hyderabadi upbringing; the third is a pure Punjabi, defence kid, who grew up in the beautiful city of Muscat.

The idea came in the summer of 2015, when they visited a local lab, each for a personal/family concern. According to one, it was the most inefficient and unbearable medical experience, with no real fault of the lab or the patient. It was actually a logistical problem, that each healthcare institution was facing due to the onslaught of patients, especially in the wee hours of the morning.

According to one, it was the most inefficient and unbearable medical experience, with no real fault of the lab or the patient.

And then, there was the celebrated meeting in the Social, Church Street, Bangalore. It was here where the three of them agreed to join hands and kickstart Tested Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. (Or TestED as it was called until the first MVP was built)

Our first logo wasn’t a piece of art, but it served as a pivotal building block to our brand

In the days that followed, the three of them worked tirelessly in creating the first real Business plan. The initial stages showed a lot of promise and got them an opportunity to meet Col. Atwal, and his elder son Aman. They represented an international defence conglomerate, who were keen on knowing more about Tested.

One of the first email exchanges between the co-founders

It was actually a logistical problem, that each healthcare institution was facing due to the onslaught of patients, especially in the wee hours of the morning.

Meeting Col. Atwal and Aman could be easily said to be a turning point in the fortunes of the company. Both of them, until today, occupy a respected position on our board, their guidance has been exemplary and their investment, invaluable!

Our first client was Magna Clinic, Hyderabad. No amount of gratitude could make up for all the faith Dr.Santosh showed in our idea and service. This served as the much needed pilot for the company, before we finished the first prototype of what is now called Tested.

Meeting Col. Atwal and Aman could be easily said to be a turning point in the fortunes of the company.

In February, 2016 we got the super-geeks of Commutatus on board and started building the final platform.

Today, we have a rice tech-arsenal comprising of a User-App, Technician-App, a Web front and back-end platform that helps streamline all home sample collection and logistics services.

Designed by the brilliant folks at Braveston

Tested Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. will be celebrating its second anniversary on the 13th of August, 2017. This has been a long journey, but we’ve only just begun!

