Post-TestBash 2023 Spring Edition Thoughts

On march 23rd, the Ministry of Testing hosted the 2023 Spring edition of TestBash

Testing Thoughts


I enjoy attending (online) webinars and conferences where I feel I have something to learn from the speakers.

TestBash conferences by Ministry of Testing

This was my second time attending TestBash organized by the Ministry of Testing, and, for the second time, they delivered what I expected. If you’re not familiar with the Ministry of Testing, they are probably the biggest online software testing community.

They have a blog dedicated to testing, they organize various events (workshops and talks), they have a forum where people in the industry can chat, and they even have a weekly newsletter. It may sound like I’m affiliated with them, but I’m just a really big fan.

What is TestBash

Getting back to TestBash — this is a conference that takes place twice per year, I think, once online and once in person, in the UK.

This year's online conference structure was quite simple — 12 hours of recorded talks followed by live Q&As, live panel discussions, and AMA sessions.

My takeaways from this year’s online TestBash

  • I enjoyed the format — there were multiple topics touched…



Testing Thoughts

Profession Tester 🔍 | Blogger ✍ | Amateur mountain runner 🏃‍♀️