How Eggs Prevent Hair Loss And Aid Hair Growth

Shashi Kant
Published in
5 min readOct 11, 2016

Although eggs are one of the most commonly used foods in the kitchen, they are useful for more than just baking and cooking. Since the 1940s or earlier, women have made egg hair treatment mixes as well as selected shampoos that contain eggs. In fact, an egg yolk hair mask can be one of the most effective hair treatments. The yolk will work to condition your hair and you can use them as often as you want. The yolk is especially helpful for dry, damaged hair and when used alone or with other ingredients, the treatment will give you shiny, strong, and healthy hair.
Hair loss is a common problem that many people experience. Hair primarily constitutes of proteins and amino acids and eggs are powerhouses of proteins, vitamins and fatty acids that nourish the hair extensively. The egg is a great solution to most of the hair problems, and they are easily available, inexpensive and are natural alternatives that can be used both internally and externally for hair growth. Eggs make the hair strong, prevent breakage, make them soft and help in their growth. While artificial products strip the hair of its natural oils, eggs help to restore the natural oils present in the hair and scalp. This is what makes the egg for hair loss and egg for hair fall remedies so popular.

How Eggs help in Hair fall, Hair loss and initiates the Growth of hair

Egg contains the vital vitamin and minerals as we said. Most of the times the deficiency of certain vitamins will lead to hair problems like brittle hair, excessive hair loss etc. Egg has fatty acids which gives deep nourishment to the hair and also takes care of the scalp dryness. Other than that it also has lecithin which will keep the hair and scalp in good state. It also helps to seal the moisture in the hair.

Egg also contains vitamins like A, B, D and E. Vitamin A helps promoting the hair growth and minimizes the hair loss. Vitamin K also helps in the prevention of hair fall and premature graying of hair. Vitamin B complex includes Vitamins like B6, B7, B12 etc. Vitamin B7 or Biotin is one of the most important vitamin, deficiency of which can lead to hair loss and brittle dry hair. Niacin or vitamin B3 is also crucial vitamin ti cure the thinning of hair. Vitamin E in eggs will keep the hair texture smoother and well nourished. Egg is a well known natural source of proteins and as we know that the hair is made up of protein units called amino acids then using eggs for hair care or eating the eggs will help a lot in getting beautiful thick long hair. Eggs are also rich in minerals like Selenium, sulphur, Zinc, copper, iron etc which all helps to keep the hair fall away.

Egg Mask For Hair Growth For Normal Hair

The egg yolk therapy helps an individual attain beautiful hair. Applying the yolk will make hair strong and silky. It will also result in minimal breakage. Hair that is otherwise frizzy and dull becomes more manageable. Using eggs adds volume to your hair and gives it a natural healthy shine. It acts as a natural conditioner and moisturizer which keeps your hair hydrated all the time.

Procedure Of Application

  • Break the egg and empty the contents in a bowl.
  • Take few tablespoons of olive oil and blend it properly.
  • Apply this mixture on the scalp and hair and leave it for thirty minutes.
  • Shampoo hair with cold water as hot water causes formation of lumps and can further lead to a pungent odour.
  • If using eggs alone causes a problem, you can mix it with curd or a good conditioner.

The yolk penetrates through your scalp and reaches the follicles. It is very helpful in mending rough hair.

Egg Yolk Hair Mask For Dry Hair

This hair mask is an intensive protein hair treatment. Egg yolk is crammed with protein, vitamins, and fatty acids. Egg yolk also contains high amounts of vitamins like A, D, and E. These vitamins promote hair growth and prevent hair fall. Olive oil is the other ingredient of this mask, which helps strengthen and softens your hair. Olive oil helps exfoliate your hair, while strengthening the hair color and preventing premature graying. The presence of nutrient-rich egg yolk and olive oil make this hair mask ideal for curbing hair loss.


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 cup water


Add the egg yolks to a bowl and pour the olive oil.

  1. Mix well and then add half a cup of water.
  2. Using your first two fingers apply the mixture evenly across your scalp.
  3. Once you have applied the mixture, wear a shower cap and let the mixture sit for 15–20 minutes.
  4. Rinse it out as you usually would.
  5. Shampooing after this hair treatment is optional.

How Often Can You Use This Mask?

This treatment is quite effective. Hence, following it for just once or twice a month would be enough.

Egg White Hair Mask For Oily Hair

The egg white hair mask is for all those with oily hair. Excess hair oil can lead to all sorts of problems. It can block pores and lead to acne and other skin infections. It can also lead to frequent tangling. This hair mask contains honey and olive oil. Olive oil, as we all know, has emollient properties, while honey is a brilliant ingredient for curing acne.


  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


  1. You can make more of this hair mask, depending on the length of your hair.
  2. Begin by using your first two fingers to spread and apply the hair mask evenly across your scalp.
  3. Once you have applied the hair mask, wear a shower cap and let the mixture dry out.
  4. Let it3 sit for 15–20 minutes. The mixture will turn sticky on drying..Rinse it out as you usually would.
  5. Shampooing after this hair treatment is optional.

How Often Can You Use This Mask?

Just like the egg yolk hair mask, this treatment is also quite effective. Hence, you are required to use this egg hair mask for hair loss for just about once or twice a month.

Some Other Ways Of Application

  • A mask of almonds, egg yolk and honey can be applied for a span of one and a half hours for better results.
  • Since it is a great natural moisturizer, you can also benefit by using a mixture of avocado and yolk. Apply this mixture and wash it off after a span of twenty minutes. It will help in moisturizing your hair.
  • For the prevention of breakage and hair loss, the egg yolk can be used.
  • The yolk should be whisked well till it is creamy.
  • This cream should be applied directly on the scalp and left for half an hour. Rinse your hair well with ice cold water.
  • To derive maximum benefits of the egg therapy, it should be followed at least once a week.

