Benefits of Cloud based Automated Testing Tools

Testsigma Inc.
Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2018
Test Automation Tool on cloud, Testsigma(

Test Automation is not just an Enterprise class requirement.
In the world of fast-paced digital transformation and advancement towards software development processes like Agile and Continuous Delivery, it has become mandatory for every software dependent business to adopt Test Automation.

However, the Automated Testing tools and processes have not evolved to match today’s modern development practises.

There is a need for smarter better automated testing software and approach that is suitable for companies of all sizes for their current application delivery needs. This is better emphasized in the findings of the World Quality Report, 35% of companies see the existing solutions in Test Automation as cost and time intensive and close to a 46 percent are still looking for better alternatives to the existing automated testing tools.

Testsigma is among the top test automation tools on cloud today!

Applications are becoming cloud based aiming at better productivity at reduced cost. A cloud-based Testing approach that allows for unlimited resource utilization would be an ideal choice.

Some of the major drawbacks with existing automated testing tools include considerable initial time and cost investments, need for team collaboration and unavailability of multiple test environments which can be better addressed by a smart cloud-based automation testing tool. This justifies the automated testing shifting towards the cloud.

Test Automation demand huge resources and cost which a lot of small companies, individuals and startups can’t afford. With cloud there is no huge initial investment required; users need only pay for the resources they use and if the need for resources may exceed, it won’t be an issue as the cloud is capable of increasing the resources on demand. With cloud, there is no need for maintenance required unlike your automated testing tools.

Let us discuss some of the significant benefits that cloud-based automated testing tool offers:

Initial Time and Cost

Test Automation requires more than just automated testing tools, it is an ecosystem of automated testing tools, resources, test automation framework and additional integrations with bug tracking, reporting tools, test management tools, CI and ALM tools.

Every participating team member must be provided with these tools. Conventional automated testing tools require a lot of effort and time to set this eco-system for testing. The cost of these tool licenses and test development environment setup for everyone in the team,outright, require huge initial investments. Cloud based automated testing tools will have all of this inbuilt to get started with Automated Testing with near zero initial time and cost investments. With cloud that provides unlimited storage, you only need to pay for what you use and in some cases, depending on how long you use and are easily accessible without any installation or setup hassles.

You can get started with Testing right away with the cloud!

24/7 access to resources

One of the major benefits of moving to cloud-based automated testing is that all the resources needed for testing your software is available 24/7 and can be accessed from anywhere irrespective of the geographical location. Thus it becomes easy to to build the software and run tests anytime, anywhere.This allows for quick resolvement of issues.

Better Team Collaboration

Cloud testing services provide a common open platform for different teams working together. Collaboration allows for proper utilization of resources and enables sharing of common test resources, real-time test reports for better communication and improved productivity. Different teams spread across the globe can share common repositories and reusable data to communicate the progress and uncertainties easier and faster.

Support for multiple test environments and platforms

There are various devices and platforms available now. It is important to build a software that runs smoothly on all of these platforms and environments. It is important to also check for the wide range of devices, OS and browser versions, the memory size, and device drivers in real-time.
In mobile phones too, devices come with different screen sizes and orientations. So, there is a need for developers to optimize their applications for each of these devices for every version.

Having to setup and manage a test lab with all these device and OS combinations can be difficult. Also, different teams trying to share common resources can slow down test cycles.

Cloud based solutions will have all of this inbuilt. And, it is highly cost effective having to only pay for the desired devices under use. Carrying out tests across different platforms in parallel at the same time sharing multiple resources is one of the main advantages of cloud based testing. Testing of platform specific features and browser/OS/device combinations has become easier with the advent of cloud.

Reduces error due to improper setup of Test Environments

You may run into many issues during test environment setup as it requires the installation of various device/OS drivers and plugins. With cloud based readily available test environments, you can avoid the need for troubleshooting which otherwise may cost developers a lot of time and money.

Cloud-based automation testing tools have dismissed the need to build test environments required for testing. Since the infrastructure is virtual, there is no worry.

Test Environment Scalability

With cloud you can scale your test environments to any level. For faster feedback you may need to run tests on multiple devices in parallel. This may not be the same case always. Many a times you need only a few resources for basic testing.

Cloud-based automated testing tools help you easily add or remove the number of test environments based on your testing requirements at any point of time and only pay for what you use.

Enables comprehensive and thorough testing

Applications may be Web, mobile or API based and are intended to run on multiple devices, platforms and environments. Such applications use advanced approaches like the responsive design with a lot of dynamic features to improve user experience. The developers need to ensure that these applications are compatible with screens of various resolutions. The testing of such software applications are more complicated and a developer-built testing infrastructure would not be sufficient as compared to cloud-based testing platforms.

Cloud-based automation testing enables developers to carry out cross-browser/device testing and test monitoring. Most of these cross-device/OS/browser tests cannot be carried out on a single testing platform unlike with the cloud.

Helps the application reach market faster

Time is of essence especially, in today’s fast-paced world with highly complex application needs. The time taken for an idea to be developed into an application and put out in the market needs to be as short as possible. Cloud-based testing tools reduce the time-to-market to a great extent. The various perks it offers such as the easy building of testing infrastructure, increased collaboration, real-time reports, etc all help improve the speed of the development and testing process.

Cloud-based Testing is continually evolving and has made a strong impression in the field of Software Testing mainly in Test Automation.
Testsigma’s approach to Testing help customers enjoy the full benefits of cloud-based automated testing.

Testsigma is among the top test automation tools on cloud today!

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Testsigma Inc.

Testsigma is a completely cloud-based codeless test automation tool that lets you create stable and reliable tests for web, mobile & APIs — all from one place.